Immelman on Academy Live

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Anyone just see Trevor Immelman on Golf Academy Live say that Leadbetter teaches him to make the clubhead outrace the grip? Is Leadbetter anti-lag?
I was pretty sure Immelman was showing the audience how he learned to "flip" from Leadbetter to get more distance...yikes.


Yep, ledpoison specifically said amatuers cast to early but Trevor needs to delag so that the club passes the hands (a timed flip, my words) and right elbow straightens at the ball.


He specifically said that Immelman needed to feel as though the clubhead passes the grip at impact to counter-act his tendency to bow the left wrist....same things for Els.

Immelman also has been playing very well lately.....
That's not AS bad....still sounds funky to me tho...I still don't see a problem that they're fixing.

If someone who knows could go more into depth I'd be all ears...
I don't think I've ever had a lesson or received a swing tip that wasn't contradicted by another instructor or article. It can be somewhat depressing to start working on something only to hear some other reputable instructor say/preach something exactly opposite.


quote:Originally posted by ragman


He specifically said that Immelman needed to feel as though the clubhead passes the grip at impact to counter-act his tendency to bow the left wrist....same things for Els.

Immelman also has been playing very well lately.....

Just think if the dude knew how to teach the Left Arm Flying Wedge and the geometric equivalent of a flat left wrist. It may work for Els and Immelman, but now millions of hackers think they need to FLIP. Gotta love it.


quote:Originally posted by Archie Swivel

But how can you question the swings of Immelman, Els and Michelle Wie? Can you say Leadbetter teaches junk?

This may be nonsensical ranting on my part...but I've always felt that all of his students were good to begin with. They were already pretty good players before he got his hands on them.


quote:Originally posted by Archie Swivel

But how can you question the swings of Immelman, Els and Michelle Wie? Can you say Leadbetter teaches junk?

I wouldn't say that he teaches junk. He certainly has a lot of good players in his stable. I'm sure Easy, Weasy, and Trev get different instruction than Joe Hackdaddy. BUT we know that everyone thinks that they have to do EXACTLY what tour players do. And this guy is billed as THE TOP GURU. So people are hanging on his words. Words mean something. And to say that the FEEL should be for the clubhead to pass the handle through impact would be DISASTER for the high to mid capper. Now ole Roy Dingleberry carrying a 20 is out there trying to get the clubhead to pass the handle even more. Not a good thing.
quote:Originally posted by mb6606

As Homer Kelley stated the PGA stars are very good at hand manipulation.

Your point is well taken with regard to hand manipulation, as are the many other points here, BUT, do any of you ever question whether Homer was right on point about EVERYTHING........he wrote?????

Maybe there are other human beings that differ from Homer and THEY are right on those points (whatever they may be). I have yet to see ANY HUMAN BEING whose book was right about EVERYTHING they wrote....Homer is not exception.
Look guys, Led's simply giving a "feel" for allowing the "Law of the Flail" to take its rightful place in allowing the proper rate of throwout to align the primary and secondary levers. No doubt, Mr. Immelman must have suffered from a bout of over-acceleration. Great advice for the talented.

"Maybe there are other human beings that differ from Homer and THEY are right on those points (whatever they may be). I have yet to see ANY HUMAN BEING whose book was right about EVERYTHING they wrote....Homer is not exception."
I believe Homer would have accepted your statement (he wrote 7 editions of his book). Yet his core principles are based on geometry and geometry is seldom wrong.
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