Impact hands at address?

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Does anyone do this? For some reason I can't consistently hit the sweetspot with mid body hands. When I address with impact hands I hit the ball so much better and without toe balls. I guess in my head I think okay here are your hands at impact so just get them back here. Is there anything wrong with this?

I'm not following your post Tom? Yes it's okay? Well whether or not it's ideal it worked for 8 out of 9 greens tonight so it's staying.I'm also getting a lower more penetrating flight. Sizzle sizzle...

Brian Manzella

If it worked for Nick-loss...

Listen, I think it is VERY valid.

It is NOT, however, a variation in The Golfing Machine (address hands and impact body).

I did a video on this, but I thought everyone saw it.

Anyhoo, I have several students who do exactly what you do.

So, it makes it by me.
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