Impact Position

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At setup when placing your hands in the impact position(hands forward) should the club be slightly hooded or square?? I often have a tendency to have my irons go left even though my divot is straight. I think I just may be getting a closed clubface at impact and should I consider opening the face slightly at setup? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


If you set up with Impact Hand Location, then yes, the face will be slightly open. That is, after all, how you want to impact the ball.
I don't set up the same way I intend to impact. I try set up with the ball positioned at my left pit and the butt of the club pointing at my belt buckle, but hope to impact with the butt of the club pointing to my left pocket. If I execute properly, my left hand strikes the ball ever-so-slightly arched and my right wrist ever-so-slightly bent. I think Tball should try Brian's grip drill AFTER he hits one of those hooks/pulls to see if his grip remained neutral throughout the swing.



quote:Originally posted by Archie Swivel

I don't set up the same way I intend to impact. I try set up with the ball positioned at my left pit and the butt of the club pointing at my belt buckle, but hope to impact with the butt of the club pointing to my left pocket. If I execute properly, my left hand strikes the ball ever-so-slightly arched and my right wrist ever-so-slightly bent. I think Tball should try Brian's grip drill AFTER he hits one of those hooks/pulls to see if his grip remained neutral throughout the swing.

For you to impact the ball with your left wrist "ever-so-slightly arched", your right wrist must be more than "ever-so-slightly bent." If your left wrist is flat and your right wrist is bent X degrees at Impact Fix, you would have to bend your right wrist EVEN MORE to make your left wrist become arched.

If you can start from Impact Hands, why not? I think it's easier to start there rather than from an Adjusted Address - left wrist bent, right wrist flat. Why not just put it where it will return to at Impact and leave the alignments intact the whole swing?
Archie Swivel, I do not address the ball the way I intend to impact it. I set up with a mid hand position and the club square to the ball. If I move my hands forward to impact postion the club closes and slightly hoods. So my question is should I address the ball so that when I move to impact postion the club would be square??

Thanks for everyone's help on this.
tball- then i agree with hue

matt- i guess the setup is different because your hips are different through impact than address. this is a good question for an TGM instructor, and not me. I could hypothesize about forces and momentums that are present at impact, but not at address, but I am out of my league on attempting to explain that....akemmmmm...brian?


quote:Originally posted by Archie Swivel

tball- then i agree with hue

but I am out of my league on attempting to explain that....akemmmmm...brian?
Archie: Brian raises the point of the clubface looking different at mid body hands address and impact in one of his videos. I think it is in " Do it right".
Hue- Don't have the videos-- I take personally from Brian... So will have to wait til next lesson for an answer if you don't enlighten me now!


Archie: In the video "Do it right " Brian says " In a perfect world closed at address, open at impact square at separation" This relates to the club face and mid body hands address. So my advice is to work back from impact fix to get your clubface right and your mid body hands address club face alignment is relative to this and will look closed at address. The process of getting your hands more forward in the impact fix from mid body hands address will open the club face slightly so square at impact fix will look slightly closed at mid body hands address. Are you now enlightened?
Hue, pardon my novice golfing machine experience, but I don't get it? If I set up normally with hands at mid-body, and then move my hands forward to try to mimic impact postion, would not the club close and slightly hood. As I move my hands forward the right wrist bends more, flattening the left wrist, therefore closing the clubface?

Please explain, hopefully this will help me get rid of this left ball flight. Thanks
I don't believe I'm rotating my arm. With the arms in a mid-body position, my left wrist is slightly cupped. As I move to impact position the left wrist moves to a flat or slightly arched position. This motion alone would close the clubface, slightly, would it not? I guess flatening of the left wrist, could cause some left arm rotation.

Thanks for baring with me, while I try to get this..


Tball88: Check your grip with pic 3 in Brian's grip article. If you have a strong left hand grip but get into a neutral grip ideal impact position you will have a closed club face. You have two choices . You can change your grip to the one Brian recommends or adjust your impact fix so the club face is square at separation and observe that the flat left wrist points right of the target . Any given grip will have it's ideal impact fix.
Thanks Hue, I think my problem has been that my grip may be a bit stronger than normal, so at Impact fix, it creates the closed clubface, therefore left ball flight. So from what you're saying, I either weaken the grip, or open the clubface at address. Either should create the same effect.


I used to have a strong grip but changed it to the one Brian recommends. It was a tough change but I am glad I did it and my nasty hook shot has gone.
The hook is exactly what I fight as well, it's my nemisis. Hogan said it, you can play with a fade, but not a hook.
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