Impact pp#4

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Should there be any pressure at pp number 4 (arm on top of chest) at impact or has the arm rebounded of the chest by that point in time?

What if you're a hitter?

Steve, I think you'll find it is about the same for both scenarios...if the arm loses contact or starts to breakaway to the left you'll get a push (my experience..:))...
Retaining the slight pressure allows the left arm to roll anti-clockwise correctly through the impact zone, thus squaring the clubface, without any concious effort..
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Brian Manzella

What if you are a hitter? Geez....

There AIN'T ANY true "hitters" in golf. All good players use the HECK out of their pivots!

Here is how the left arm should work:

1. The ARM swing acoss the chest on the Backswing

2. The CHEST tunrns into the ARM on the downswing

3. At some point the KINETIC CHAIN helps the LEFT ARM blast off the chest as the right arm swings into it.
Brian can you give me a quick explanation of Kinetic Chain......? I have heard you say this a few times and don't think I have it fully soaked into my brain sponge matter.

Is it just feet/knees/hips/shoulders/arms/hands one after another in a chain reaction and "from the ground up"..........?
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