Improving Rhythm and smoothing swing out?

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I want to get my swing more smooth and get better rhythm. One of the ways I try to do this is hitting balls different distances with the same club. Brian ,Brady and others : What other ways do you recommend? Thanks.
1 physical drill is lining up 5 balls in a row and just walk up and hit one straight after the other..

Hue, you use clearkeys dont you? When saying your key try and say it smoothly and at the pace you feel suits your swing best. I have witnessed noticable improvements in peoples rhythm/pace when they do this.


quote:Originally posted by densikat

1 Hue, you use clearkeys dont you? When saying your key try and say it smoothly and at the pace you feel suits your swing best. I have witnessed noticable improvements in peoples rhythm/pace when they do this.
David: Yep. At the Open I was really impressed with the smoothness of Couples,Els and Goosen. They are beyond smooth . That is the smoothness I am after. Thanks for the tips.


Relax... its not difficult to do - your relaxed with common day things all the time....walking/drinking/typing/writing ...etc

Now the thing to remember - your swing will not be smooth looking with a ton of compensations in it....
quote:Originally posted by hue

I want to get my swing more smooth and get better rhythm. One of the ways I try to do this is hitting balls different distances with the same club. Brian ,Brady and others : What other ways do you recommend? Thanks.

"Tempo" , by Al Geiberger. Don't remember much although I read several times, except, I managed to relax/slow down after reading.
Whippy shafts kick very late, because the flex is so soft. Seems to me that to hit them well, some players would have to adjust their timing. But then, say, if you use TT stiff shafts, wouldn't your "Whippy acquired" timing result in the shaft unloading WAY too soon?


use music
use a metronome

keep a beat or song going in your head as you swing

start with a slow tempo, slow motion swings, allowing the clubs 'swing' to show you the beat you need, and then find a song that matches it

I will sometimes use "Joy" by Bach, good downbeats that are easy for most folks to get and an easy one to adjust the tempo for slower/faster paced folks

softer shafts help more than stiffer shafts because to hit them well you can't fight the club and get away with it


quote:Originally posted by Mathew

Relax... its not difficult to do - your relaxed with common day things all the time....walking/drinking/typing/writing ...etc

Now the thing to remember - your swing will not be smooth looking with a ton of compensations in it....

or if you are out of BALANCE ;)

Brian Manzella

Do the "step-up-step-down drill"

Take a club, lets say an 8iron that you hit 150 (it will work with any club);

Make the ball go 1/4th distance by swinging just far back and through enough to make the ball go that 37.5 yards in the air;

Do the same for 1/2,3/4. and FULL!

That part was the step UP...

Step down by making a FULL SWING and by swinging slower make the ball fly 3/4th distance=112.5yds.;

Step down to 1/2 and 1/4th doing the same thing: Making a FULL SWING slow enough to get the ball to go 75 and then 37.5 yards in the air....



Thanks for the tips everyone. I will give the step up step down drill a whirl today. Brian and Brady: Do you like the Whippy club? Thanks.
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