in a RFT

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when you trace a straight plane line in the RFT does the right elbow stay tucked in the initial stages of the tade away, which would encourage bending of the right elbow? Or does the right elbow go ahead and seperate from your body very early on and the elbow bend happens closer to the top of the back swing.
It depends on where you are tracing with that shaft....or that right forearm....however you want to think about it.

How flat your right shoulder turn is, etc.


Shootin, I believe BM made a comment in a recent post about keeping the right elbow on the elbow plane the entire time.

Brian Manzella

The "Right Forearm Takeaway" has the elbow do what it needs to, to comply with:

Right Forearm tracing the plane line, sweetspot and shaft tracing the plane line, the loading action (sweep/random/snap), and the selected pivot components.

It is A way, but ABSOLUTELY NOT the only way to make a good backswing.
thanks for the replies birdie, garth, bman, Now understood.

Another question. In doing some reading of previous post about right forearm pick up and the address position, it talks about a level left wrist at address. Is there issues with a slightly cocked left wrist at address and the RFT, if so what issues does it create?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
the whole point of the right forearm pickup is this:

set your wedges at setup
put the right forearm on plane
"lift" the entire assembly to your desired stopping location
bring them back to impact

works well, i just don't think it's the most dynamic move in golf. Not a whole lot of 'snap' to it

Tom discusses and demonstrates the position of the right elbow as a swinger or hitter in chapter six (alignment) and in chapter two (arms). It sounds like what he describes is a rft. The left arm is inert throughout the swing, acts as a rope, as the right simply takes the left arm into position allowing extensor action to keep the rope straight. There is no conscious thought given to turning of the shoulder. Rather, the shoulders will automatically turn in response to the hip turn.

There seems to be some debate to whether Tom is a swinger or hitter. I'd like to discuss Tom's procedure in more detail on another forum along with Mr. Croker's input provided that Peter's check is in the mail...:)

Brian Manzella

Tom is a right arm swinger (I have been told).

I don't take links to other sites down, that's what people who are scared of 'their' people finding ME do.

I am extremely respectful of that. I imagine you would be in the minority when it comes to leaving links up.



quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

It can be powerful....look at Freddie....

I have to say that I do like a STT tho honestly.....prolly MORE powerful.

Is there really a reason you can't do both?
Garth can do whatever you want really.

It's prolly better to have one main swing that you use and alter in small ways.....mostly clubface tho. I don't see much reason to alter your plane from shot to shot....unless you really need to get down to a ball (deep rough, ball in a hole, etc.)....but even then I dunno.

I usually only change my plane to accomodate the when I use Single Wrist Action (Cocking/Uncocking with no Startup or Release Swivels in there).


I can use Standard WAction and a Twistaway-ish (Single WrAction with an Arched LWrist) kind of clubface control (mostly for chipping, certain pitches, sometimes knockdowns) basically with the same Plane Angle Variation.


I didn't really mean alternating, i meant encorporating both in a swing. Maybe I'm mis-understanding the rft, but i didn't think it dictated plane, neccesarily.

So you mean using your right forearm or both hands or w/ "your first move" that you taking the club back on any plane you want?

Is that what you mean?

It's very possible.


Not sure of the EXACT definition of Right Forearm Pickup or Right Forearm Takeaway (do they BOTH exist even?).

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
I still like the explanation of the "pivot powered hands controlled pivot" Bman talks about in Confession.

That seems to incorporate the best of STT and RFT and works well for me JMO.


quote:Originally posted by glcoach

I still like the explanation of the "pivot powered hands controlled pivot" Bman talks about in Confession.

That seems to incorporate the best of STT and RFT and works well for me JMO.

I agree, that's kinda what i was getting at. ;)
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