In need of a little help

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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I'll try to describe this the best i can. I've had several lessons with better players who pull the club down steeply (butt end pointing inside the target line), back their right sides up and move the hands out at the same time,then put a little flip at the bottom. They generally hit it well but invariably get a skank here or there and the occasional flipper left. Since they play well they don't want drastic change. Any ideas would be appreciated. Note: they usually aren't under plane and the face is pretty good. it's just the late back up stalls rotation and requires the flip. It's just a pattern thats always troubled me with the fix.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Yes, I'll try. When I see a player lag the club too steeply, they sometime catch themselves in the downswing. They know they are too narrow and off plane. So, in an effort to widen the arc and move the hands toward the ball they move their right sides back and under. If you watch Mickelson, I think you see alot of this. This mid downswing move shallows the club and maybe opens the face a bit requiring a flip at the bottom. So my problem with trying to fix it is that there is so many moves trying to correct the preceding move it is a complicated swing, making it hard to fix (IMO) cuz they usually hit it pretty good so they are reluctant to change.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I agree. It's a dynamic transition, but off plane and steep. If you shallow the transition, then they still back up up out of habit, it's a double shallow and they almost lateral the ball right. Maybe the question should be, what do all the experts here do with people that have multiple correction downswings but still hit it pretty good....yet want their misses to be better. Root cause sounds pretty good but it could take some time, no?

Brian Manzella


"The behavior that is rewarded is the behavior you are going to get."


Put something ELSE in, that does that.

Like....? (looking for ya'll to come up with a couple). ;)

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I have, and they smother it or jump up like crazy to avoid slammin it in the ground. I've always been a fan of leaving in the intial fault to show em where it would go without corrections. I guess I'm frustrated with people who want a quickie. I thought maybe there was some magical cure that i haven't tried. Is that part of a fix you would give Mickelson?

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
No doubt that would naturally round their swings out by necessity. I actually used to hang on and block it sometimes off that lie, being a former flipper myself.
for me, doing sidehill lie drills never helped, because I adjusted my concept of hitting the ball to the hill. I had to change my concept of how to hit the ball, and my feeling of where my hands went in the backswing.
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