In the ground?

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I was at the range tonight bringing my warring mass of muscle movements I laughingly call a golf swing to bear.
As usual I was rubbish, but then I remembered what Brian was saying about sticking the hula hoop in the ground and yanking it back out: BOOM!, my whole ball-striking went up a notch or three. I couldn't believe it. I felt like a gravedigger out there aiming to stick the clubhead into the floor, but gosh it seemed to really get me the feel I've been longing for.
My question. I can understand the psychology of it inasmuch as it slows the body relative to the arms and hands, but from a technique standpoint, how does the causality change for the better?
Would somebody be a darling and walk me through it (especialy viz a viz the new release pattern)


No ... it's all in your mind.. and what you feeel is not real.. but if it works keep repeating it...:eek:

Your pre-hula hoop state of mind was fear and foreboding.... and your hula hoop visual set you free because you had an open mind to what you were attempting to do. Call it mind over matter or whatever, and your hail Mary attempt worked. Rinse and repeat ...:D
I was at the range tonight bringing my warring mass of muscle movements I laughingly call a golf swing to bear.
As usual I was rubbish, but then I remembered what Brian was saying about sticking the hula hoop in the ground and yanking it back out: BOOM!, my whole ball-striking went up a notch or three. I couldn't believe it. I felt like a gravedigger out there aiming to stick the clubhead into the floor, but gosh it seemed to really get me the feel I've been longing for.
My question. I can understand the psychology of it inasmuch as it slows the body relative to the arms and hands, but from a technique standpoint, how does the causality change for the better?
Would somebody be a darling and walk me through it (especialy viz a viz the new release pattern)
The way I've been picturing it is the hula hoop represents the path the club head is on. But because the clubhead is going to go into the ground and take a divot you have to picure the hoop going under the ball an inch or so. As you are following it down ready to bury the club in the ground behind the ball you do everything you can to "go normal". I'm not sure if I'm answering your question or agreeing with you.
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Oliver dont mean to hijack the thread, but what is the hula hoop representing in your mind? I cant quite grasp going normal in the very little practice Ive had so far. Could you help?
Oliver dont mean to hijack the thread, but what is the hula hoop representing in your mind? I cant quite grasp going normal in the very little practice Ive had so far. Could you help?
66er. I use the hula-hoop thought just to try and get a feel for the clubhead releasing on a circular path, rather than being pulled, or dragged, forward. I had a devil of a time trying to figure it out, but JEREMY5577, who also just posted, helped me out greatly in this respect. I've been looking at release pattern for a long time and was becoming insanely jealous cos I couldn't feel the great things many others were reporting.
Tonight I felt it for the first time. My take (for what it's worth, and also thank you to many others who have helped me out) The more the club is going down the less it's going forward, the less it's going forward, the less drag/pull is being applied, the less drag/pull being applied, the better the chance of the arms springing past the body powerfully.
The way I've been picturing it is the hula hoop represents the path the club head is on. But because the clubhead is going to go into the ground and take a divot you have to picure the hoop going under the ball an inch or so. As you are following it down ready to bury the club in the ground behind the ball you do everything you can to "go normal". I'm not sure if I'm answering your question or agreeing with you.
Hey Jeremy, Thanks for replying. Anything is great as far as I'm concerned. A word, sentence or turn of phrase can get my neurons fizzing in a totally different way. You said "Take a divot:" Seemingly innocuous enough, yes? But that has already got my mind building off of that...Thanks


O1..... Your long frizzy locks of hair can get caught in your hand's coupling point at top of swing reversal.. and then when you attempt out-toss you start tearing out your Samson-strength downswing kinetic chain ... avoid shampoo and grease it down ... then """swooshit"""...!!!!
O1..... Your long frizzy locks of hair can get caught in your hand's coupling point at top of swing reversal.. and then when you attempt out-toss you start tearing out your Samson-strength downswing kinetic chain ... avoid shampoo and grease it down ... then """swooshit"""...!!!!
I knew it was only a matter of time before you injected some REAL science into your musings...;)


I knew it was only a matter of time before you injected some REAL science into your musings...;)

HEY.... I'm a "bi-swinger"... I can go 'scientifical' or I can go "feeeeel"... I'm "ambi-".... fooooore ....!!!!
O1..... Your long frizzy locks of hair can get caught in your hand's coupling point at top of swing reversal.. and then when you attempt out-toss you start tearing out your Samson-strength downswing kinetic chain ... avoid shampoo and grease it down ... then """swooshit"""...!!!!

The answer is the mullet, with lots of Brylcream.
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