incompatable parts for hitting

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Without a lot of tgmspeak, what are the more common incompatable parts used ,be it knowingly or otherwise, in a hitting procedure? If you have never seen me swing, what would you guess are the more poisonous swinging elements to be purified from my hitting procedure? More simply put, I can swing an axe, but what am I chopping and in what direction?


The single biggest move that will help your overall hitting motion is to understand the hips. Move your right hip back over your right heel, through over your left toes. If you have a proper setup, and understand right wrist back and right arm thrust, you pretty much have a solid hitting motion.

In hitting, it pays to think 'cross line' and 'upper cut punch'.
TGMspeak really does make it easy on all that has a working knowledge of the general terms to comminicate and teach. That is the beauty of it.
But... smash the inside of the ball with that ax handle. Straight from the top with the back of your right forefinger (TGM term ----> pressure point three pp3) behind the shaft or ax handle slam bam it into the inside back of the ball. This forefinger (pp3) should have a direct line into the ball always behind the shaft. Swingers turn theirs underneath at the top and roll in back so it is behind the shaft just like a hitters at impact.

The ax handle pushes with the right arm until straight but impacts bent, pushing straight thru impact.
You need to push your left thumb toward the inside of the ball with the heel of right hand by extending your right arm and maintaining a bent right wrist.
quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

You need to push your left thumb toward the inside of the ball with the heel of right hand by extending your right arm and maintaining a bent right wrist.

Welcome to the Hall of Fame Posts, Joe
Right on the money. Don't stop - drive that thumb into the ground and straighten the right arm
quote:Originally posted by EdZ

Sounds like the EdZ drills are finally starting to sink in.
Pressure Point 1 driven by Power Accumulator #1 is an EdZ drill? Does Homer know?

Thanks. That's about as well as I could do in the 'nonTGMspeak' that digger requested.


What are the EdZ drills and how could thrusting the right arm down toward the ball be like an 'upper cut punch'?


quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe


Thanks. That's about as well as I could do in the 'nonTGMspeak' that digger requested.


What are the EdZ drills and how could thrusting the right arm down toward the ball be like an 'upper cut punch'?

See FGI, getting published section, or search here there are several links.

The hands thrust down, but are pulled around, under like an uppercut, once the arms reach full extension. Brian's 'two forces' article talks about the forces involved.


quote:Originally posted by 6bee1dee

But... smash the inside of the ball with that ax handle. Straight from the top with the back of your right forefinger (TGM term ----> pressure point three pp3) behind the shaft or ax handle slam bam it into the inside back of the ball. This forefinger (pp3) should have a direct line into the ball always behind the shaft. Swingers turn theirs underneath at the top and roll in back so it is behind the shaft just like a hitters at impact.

The ax handle pushes with the right arm until straight but impacts bent, pushing straight thru impact.

Great stuff as usual 6b. Now I assume that the left arm doesn't get involved at all, except in the initial part of the downswing to take up slack and to maintain swing radius. I hope I got this right, in that the left arm does not pull at all, since only pp1 and pp3 are involved. I should not feel pp2 at all?
With Hitting it is better to use Single Wrist Action...i.e., do not turn the left wrist to the right to start the backswing, but gradually let it rotate to the Top of the backswing.
Hitters usually grip somewhat tightly. They keep the bend in the right wrist firm, or frozen throughout the stroke, or at least until both arms are straight in the followthrough.
quote:Originally posted by DDL

quote:Originally posted by 6bee1dee

But... smash the inside of the ball with that ax handle. Straight from the top with the back of your right forefinger (TGM term ----> pressure point three pp3) behind the shaft or ax handle slam bam it into the inside back of the ball. This forefinger (pp3) should have a direct line into the ball always behind the shaft. Swingers turn theirs underneath at the top and roll in back so it is behind the shaft just like a hitters at impact.

The ax handle pushes with the right arm until straight but impacts bent, pushing straight thru impact.

Great stuff as usual 6b. Now I assume that the left arm doesn't get involved at all, except in the initial part of the downswing to take up slack and to maintain swing radius. I hope I got this right, in that the left arm does not pull at all, since only pp1 and pp3 are involved. I should not feel pp2 at all?
You know, the left arm is still an enigma in ways. It is just a string, a noodle, yet it is the Lever system of the power package. It has great mechanical advantage which is why it is important to maintain its radius with extensor action- pulled up taunt and pushed down, out and through to keep it taunt. I do feel it pulling but only to keep a ryhthm and function as the Lever that allow the hands to use that mechanical advantage through the Flying Wedges.
In hitting, the real power is the right shoulder thrust. This took about a month to "find" and feel comfortable with. Now I want to hit all the time. POW. And this is important, it looks no different then a swing stroke, maybe in slow motion, but we don't swing in slow motion. And maybe in the hand position at top, but a young gun wikk still have high hands and still keep PP3 behing the shaft. It is a great stroke, go see Brian, or Chuck, or Ed Cox in NC and learn it. Then teach it to someone else.

All that said, remember,the left arm is NOT on plane, the right arm is.
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