Why do you believe the arc show in the picture is "flat?"
Great Picture! 2 - J - 3 The inclined plane as it appears on the ground!
If I were to use a hoola hoop for a clock on the ground and put my ball at 12 0clock and stand towards the back of the hoop , how big a hoop would I need to get the right back swing and forward.???
For someone that swings too far to the right and hooks it, would a flatter arc (arc shown in the clock picture) tend to correct the hook a bit? Again, from the overhead view as in the clock picture, a more upright swing plane and shallower arc would produce less hook action than a flattish plane and more rounded arc?
Looking at the inside aft quadrant helps a lot with my pivot issues, but I believe I have a tendency to swing too far right with it and it leads to a lot of pushes and hooks. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to marry these two concepts?
"Inside Aft"- below the equator?
"Inside Aft" above the equator?
Inside Aft could be worse than back of the ball- so don't feel it's some cardinal sin to hit the back of the ball- after all inside aft is say only a dimple or two in from the back of the ball. So you are closer to the back than you are the inside. However, in regards to your swing- can't go to much further "theorizing"- you'd need to post a video for Brian or someone to comment on.
Good Luck with the game!