People are tired of your posts. I need sleep.
But...you ask....
HORTON: "Would you not agree that the plane you show is the path the hosel of the club will follow until final Release, and at Impact the Sweet Spot will strike the ball somewhere in it's aft hemisphere?"
The Plane could be either...doesn't mater in this regard. The palne of either is LOOKING at the inside-aft quadrant.
HORTON: "How can you maintain a linear path on an unyielding plane in the downswing, when it is proven that the hand path and clubhead path are curvilinear in everybody's swing. There is no such thing as rigid downswing plane in a real life golfswing."
I can hit balls all day with a plane board and stick on either side. Your scientist have NO GOLF TALENT and they are testing HACKERS.
HORTON: "What I am also curious about is how you can sense a 3º open clubface coming into Impact a 100+ mph for the driver and perhaps 90 mph for long irons. With which kinesthetic abilities can you determine that you are achieving this 3º open face? What feedback mechanism do you possess that allows you to duplicate this feat?"
I practice on a $50,000 machine that measures such things.
HORTON: Please keep in mind that the club is freewheeling around the left wrist joint and forearm just before Impact .... so you only have microseconds to consciously apply any force through your arms into the club. That's like trying to say you can manipulate the LOC through the Impact Interval. Not a feasible proposition if you ask me.
I program it all in ahead of time. It's called practice.
Now please, go to sleep.[|)]