I posted this in the Tiger thread but seemed to get overlooked. A good read for swing junkies.
"The scratch golfer and 5 handicap golfer generated did more work as they were able to maintain more torque through the swing.", which is called, in TGM's term, "sustain the lag".This is an interesting article, particularly as it relates to which muscles do the work in the swing and how the work profiles vary by golfer. Unfortunately, the sample size of actual golfers used to test the model is relatively small --- 4. It would be interesting to see more.
The higher handicap golfers (subjects 3 and 4) were actually more efficient. They had the smoother swings . See the text on page 529. The scratch golfer and 5 handicap golfer generated did more work as they were able to maintain more torque through the swing. The efficiency results are counterintuitive, but perhaps the results would be different if more than 4 subjects were analyzed in this way.