Intermediate Target

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How many of you use intermediate target(s) in alignment? And has it helped you in any way?

How many of you visualize a landing spot on the green when chipping? Has it helped you in any way?
I don't use an intermediate target for lining up a shot. For me personally, I usually set up closed when using an intermediate target.
Picking and visuallizing a landing spot for chipping has helped my short game tremendously. I used to "consider" a landing area for my chip shots. but my primary focus stayed on the hole. I have changed that to focusing on my landing spot and my results have dramatically improved. I'm not saying this is necessarily the correct way for everyone, I just wouldn't know, but for me it is.

Jim S.
How many of you use intermediate target(s) in alignment? And has it helped you in any way?

How many of you visualize a landing spot on the green when chipping? Has it helped you in any way?

I use an intermediate target and it works great.

I tried the perpendicular line thing...but doesn't work as well for me.

And visualising landing spot is great...always do it for pitching and chipping.
It doesn't matter if I dont get it close to the hole...all that matters is the landing spot. Because if I don't get it close to the hole, then it's because of my perception not execution.
I usually use a small mark on the ground to line myself up to and get my line.

Sometimes I'll try to land my ball ON a spot too but for me it depends on the shot. (if it needs to be specific or there's something I need to fly over.....and only if I can even seen where the ball is landing, of course)

Still learning but this is pretty standard and what I do as of now.
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For full shots(i.e. not short game shots), how small is the mark that people are using for the intermediate target? I have always heard "pick a blade of grass", but I rarely can find some kind of unique marking on the ground that is large enough and in my line that is easy to find again once I have looked away from it. I have had more success with lining the clubface up to where I think the target is, and then trying to extend a straight line from the ball to the target with my eyes, then adjust accordingly(this is "straight gaze" from
For full shots(i.e. not short game shots), how small is the mark that people are using for the intermediate target? I have always heard "pick a blade of grass", but I rarely can find some kind of unique marking on the ground that is large enough and in my line that is easy to find again once I have looked away from it. I have had more success with lining the clubface up to where I think the target is, and then trying to extend a straight line from the ball to the target with my eyes, then adjust accordingly(this is "straight gaze" from
Just use an intermediate target for a rough guide.

Once you set up, use your straight gaze.
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Ya I'm not sure what way to go right now. I feel like all this effort to aim perfectly may impede some of my smoothness (PER-se) at times. Maybe.

I am gonna experiment with aiming a line on my ball this year though. (on the greens of course)

I was listening to I think Rolfing and some other GC announcer blab on about how this 100% for sure has to be a terrible idea...and why it is ruining everyone on Tour these days who does it.

I don't see how it could be such a bad thing.....

(I thought they were talking out their hind end big time)

I do find I struggle to keep my eye on my mark when I approach the ball.....and I want precision in my aiming that's for sure.

Good amount of testing to do this year still.
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