Introduction and help needed

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Hi all,

I have been lurking on this forum for sometime now and have decided to bite the bullet and post my problem as it has been with me from when I first started playing about 14 months ago, and is really spoiling the game for me. The problem is my OTT move and steep downswing causing me pulls with my irons and slices with the woods and driver. As you can see from the video my practice downswing the club is more on the forearm plane but as soon as I get a ball in front of me the downswing becomes much steeper. I have tried standing more upright, bending over more, keeping my back to the target, dropping my arms first, steepening the backswing and takeing the club outside of the line and even swing with my eyes shut! nothing changes the steepness, yet take away the ball and it becomes much better. I can play to anything between 10 and 20 handicap due to my inconsistencies and my stock shot is a draw and my misses are usually pulls. Any suggestions or things I should be working would be greatly appreciated as I think this is really holding me back. I have uploaded a video of my swing below.



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Only thing you should do right now and the best move to build on for the future, is to buy "Never Slice Again". Really, you just have to own that pattern at some point along your progression. It will allow you to move forward rather to stay at stage 1 for the rest of your golfing life. I am telling you, most people never get to stage 2, Neverrrrrrrr
As an over accelerator.....I found Soft Draw video more helpful and revelatory than NSA just in terms of thinking about releasing the club and getting it to work properly.

What is $10 in sterling anyway!?
I'm with Lindsey on this one...NSA takeaway will get rid of the rolled open, laid off position at the top which has you over correcting with a steep closed downswing.


I am here to say hello to all of you people.I am Nicloes currently completing my studies.Every one has his own define goals in life but my goal is some what differnt from others.My degree is related to the accountancy and I want to become Finance Manager or General Manager of a recognized Financial Institution.
My physique is not so good.I am a fatty guy and recently joined the Gym to lose weight.I wolild love to do skating,chatting and Jamming.I am a new member of this forum and I don't know what you people think but I really find this site very useful for gaining plenty of Information.


Hi all buddies here,
Me as a new one member of this board wanna say HELLO to all of the forum member and wanna know about the topics and the discussion's here at the forum.. I like the golf much and a big one fan of this game...
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