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With a new G.O.L.F. celebrity showing up almost daily, it appears that the MGF is becoming the de-facto center of the TGM universe at a time when Brian has little time to post ;)

Perhaps this is incubation of another kind.

that will change very, very shortly...brian is helping his mother close on a house about 45 minutes from New Orleans this afternoon.....

once that is done, his undivided attention will be directed to the site.....

i think everyone realizes the effect that Katrina has had on everyone in New Orleans....and more importantly on Brian and his mother...they both lost their homes
Brian hope the move goes as planned. Its a shame that the news doeasn't cover the updates that are happening in your neck of the woods. Instead they waste my time with stupid stories like Tikki Williams and how he should live.....Like I freakin care.......
It's Tookie and you should care. jamie Fox and Snoop say he should live and they know what's best for us citizens. :)
Thanks Wanole, my mind was not in my hands as I was typing.......I was thinking about that Loser running back Tikki on the Giants. I'm a boys fan.............LOL
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