Is Mr Manzella a low ball hitter?

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I've got all Brian video's and i must say i'm very impressed, exspecialy 'confessions of a flipper' and they've helped me a ton. But just a question, with Brian's super flat left wrist, is he a low ball hitter? Thanks


Paul_K2 said:
I've got all Brian video's and i must say i'm very impressed, exspecialy 'confessions of a flipper' and they've helped me a ton. But just a question, with Brian's super flat left wrist, is he a low ball hitter? Thanks
Paul_K2 (Paul_K from "Iseek"?),

What makes you think that a flat left wrist at impact equates to a lower than normal ball flight?

Not "having a pop", just curious.
I played a limited amount of golf with Brian and in my experience Brian is whatever kind of ball hitter that he wants to be. To me Brian is a creative person and it is much more interesting for him to work the ball rather than just hit a standard shot. One hole that stuck out was a par three which would have been a normal 6 iron. Brian had to decide decide cuting a 5 iron or drawing a 7 iron. The standard 6 iron did not appear to be an option. In the middle of the round Brian decided that instead of his driver he was going to hit the Tiger Stinger off the tee with a three iron and he did that for the next few holes hitting it with a fade and then with a draw.

In short, Brian has excellent control of clubhead and ball flight and can pretty much hit any shot he needs. This doesn't always translate into the lowest scores.

Tom Bartlett

jpvegas1 said:
I played a limited amount of golf with Brian and in my experience Brian is whatever kind of ball hitter that he wants to be. To me Brian is a creative person and it is much more interesting for him to work the ball rather than just hit a standard shot. One hole that stuck out was a par three which would have been a normal 6 iron. Brian had to decide decide cuting a 5 iron or drawing a 7 iron. The standard 6 iron did not appear to be an option.

The 6 iron is definitely not an option NOW! LOL

You will have to ask him how it ended up in the bottom of a pond.:D

Brian Manzella

Brian Manzella Lowest Scores
on the classic old Nu Awlins layouts
(the ones that will never open as was again):

City Park West 7,100/72: 67
City Park East 7,000/72: 68
City Park North 6,100/70: 64
City Park South 5,100/68: 59 (twice)

Audubon Park 5,600/68: 63
Pontchartrain Park 7,000/72: 66
Lakewood CC 7,200/72: 69
Braithwaite CC 7,200/72: 68

A shotmaker to a fault, yes.

A little nutty, absolutely.

Can play golf at a high level if he practices a lil' bit, has a decent set of clubs and plays 18 holes+ a week, no doubt.

Paul_K2 (Paul_K from "Iseek"?),

What makes you think that a flat left wrist at impact equates to a lower than normal ball flight?

Not "having a pop", just curious.

It might sound a bit strange but the way i taught myself to play golf from mainly leadbetter/ Faldo books and videos, i associated Brian's impact conditions to a low ball flight to compared to what i know?? Strange i hear they say, yes?? Also since watching Brian's 'confessions of a former flipper' and other TGM related videos my ball striking has moved up a level with the understanding of what i was trying to achieve through impact (instead of the flip) but my ball flight has become lower, which as mentioned i thought was because i had more forward lean and a flatter left wrist and less flipping through impact, does that make sense? You'll have to bare with me on this one, TGM is fairly new to me but i'm trying to paint a picture in my head of what i'm trying to achieve with my swing to achieve the results that i'm looking for, which is better ball control.
Ya you'll hit it lowER with more foreard lean.

You can still have a FLW and hit it very high......setup differently (head back, ball fwd basically).....

No Throwaway allowed (unless you're hittin certain pitches).

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Paul_K2 said:
It might sound a bit strange but the way i taught myself to play golf from mainly leadbetter/ Faldo books and videos, i associated Brian's impact conditions to a low ball flight to compared to what i know?? Strange i hear they say, yes?? Also since watching Brian's 'confessions of a former flipper' and other TGM related videos my ball striking has moved up a level with the understanding of what i was trying to achieve through impact (instead of the flip) but my ball flight has become lower, which as mentioned i thought was because i had more forward lean and a flatter left wrist and less flipping through impact, does that make sense? You'll have to bare with me on this one, TGM is fairly new to me but i'm trying to paint a picture in my head of what i'm trying to achieve with my swing to achieve the results that i'm looking for, which is better ball control.

$100 says that you don't have an on plane right shoulder which means you don't have enough tilt through impact which is why you hit it lower.


Paul_K2 said:
Axis tilt you say? Now you got me thinking:rolleyes:
Yup, sounds like you are starting with your ball too far back in your stance OR you are moving in front of it as you swing through impact.

Do keep the flat left wrist but work on the other aspects, e.g ball position at address, staying behind the ball until your (post impact) momentum drags you through to a full finish and hinge action. You will soon find what suits you best and gives the ball flight you are looking for.
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