Is the term "swing thought" correct?

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The thread on "taking it to the course" brought up an issue I've struggled with....does the term "swing thought" cause some trepidation with anyone? Is there a better term for what to do mentally when in the process of hitting a shot? What mental processes do people here use when hitting a shot?

For me, this term puts me into left brain, mechanical, verbal mode. I seem to have better results with with right brain concepts, trying to create a "feel" when swinging...I try and use a rehearsal swing or two to create a feel, like right elbow in "pitch mode" then step into the shot and re-create the feel while visualizing the ball going to the target. Is this just me? I just wish there was a better term to use when describing the mental process when hitting a shot, especially when trying to teach new/junior golfers. Any suggestions/comments?
Now that I think about it, I have never played my best golf with a swing thought. I have always played my best golf when using a swing feel. Often I play very well visualizing a pro like Couples or Ogilvy. The problem with that is that when something goes wrong, I have no idea what it is. Of course that's not much different than normal.


Prior to swinging, your only thought should be "just do it" ... and after the results of your swing, you can think about what went wrong, because if it went right you've sliced it again ... :D

Think or Thwim ..!!!


If you're a 'feel' player, isn't your swing thought just to create a particular feel. In otherwords, if you are trying for some feel, aren't you just thinking about the 'feel' (which is probably as much mental as physical anyway). Is there a psycholgist in the house?


If you are a 'feel' swinger, perhaps your 'swing thought' should be an orgasmic "feel thought" ...:D


I think even tour pros will have a couple of swing thoughts or keys at least.The difference is they already have a great swing they can do in their sleep.The swing thoughts are just to keep their fault tendencies at bay.

The average player however,even with 5 swing thoughts will still have a below average swing technically.It's the poor swing that is the real problem.Too many swing thoughts just make it worse.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Once your thoughts are translated into feel and youve seen yourself on video, try to visualize what your swing looks like and feels like in your pre shot routine. Your body moves better when the right brain is in control.
Once your thoughts are translated into feel and youve seen yourself on video, try to visualize what your swing looks like and feels like in your pre shot routine. Your body moves better when the right brain is in control.

I had my best ballstriking round ever a few years ago. My only swing thought for the day was "Geoff Ogilvy." Seeing his swing in my head made everything work together. I hit the ball better on this day than I ever have in my life. Of course I have tried this again, but never with the same sucess.

I also try to visualize myself, but the picture isn't as clear. Maybe watching more video of myself swinging would be dually beneficial. First for spotting swing flaws and having something to work on at the practice range, and secondly for my visualization on course. Never thought of that. Thanks Kevin.


Once your thoughts are translated into feel and youve seen yourself on video, try to visualize what your swing looks like and feels like in your pre shot routine. Your body moves better when the right brain is in control.

This is great. I realised I was doing this subconciously on Saturday. My first golf outing for 6 months and recent range sessions had been terrible. Decided to go back to basics and just 'think' twistaway and tempo. For the twist I realised I wasn't feeling it so much as seeing myself doing it. Weird. Worked a treat though. Only played 9 and had a stretch of 5 holes where I only dropped 1 shot! Shame I dropped another 4 on the last hole :( If I played more often I might have known about the new water hazard they put in!
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