The thread on "taking it to the course" brought up an issue I've struggled with....does the term "swing thought" cause some trepidation with anyone? Is there a better term for what to do mentally when in the process of hitting a shot? What mental processes do people here use when hitting a shot?
For me, this term puts me into left brain, mechanical, verbal mode. I seem to have better results with with right brain concepts, trying to create a "feel" when swinging...I try and use a rehearsal swing or two to create a feel, like right elbow in "pitch mode" then step into the shot and re-create the feel while visualizing the ball going to the target. Is this just me? I just wish there was a better term to use when describing the mental process when hitting a shot, especially when trying to teach new/junior golfers. Any suggestions/comments?
For me, this term puts me into left brain, mechanical, verbal mode. I seem to have better results with with right brain concepts, trying to create a "feel" when swinging...I try and use a rehearsal swing or two to create a feel, like right elbow in "pitch mode" then step into the shot and re-create the feel while visualizing the ball going to the target. Is this just me? I just wish there was a better term to use when describing the mental process when hitting a shot, especially when trying to teach new/junior golfers. Any suggestions/comments?