is there a way

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to actually get my right shoulder to go down wont do it...i spent 4 hours today trying not to come ott...tried to get my right shoulder into my right pocket, under my chin...all sorts. but still ott!!
i dont think its ever possible for me to be underplane.

Video From the 11th April!
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how much do you turn your shoulders during the backswing? If you don't turn them enough(taking your arms/club with them) you will never get the club inside enough to make a proper downswing.
Here's what you do

Get two golf club boxes, lay them down on the ground, and stack them directly on top of each other. Push the top box so it overhangs the bottom box by about 24 inches. Tape the boxes together to keep them in this position.
Line up the new contraption on the ball-to-target line, and place the ball as far to the left as you can where it is still below the overhang. The ball should be just close enough toward you so you can see it without making any adjustments during setup.
In order to hit the ball without hitting the box, you will HAVE to come down plane or even under plane. If you go over the top, you will hit the box.
It will look like this

Medici - for me if I turn my shoulders to flat no chance to go with right shoulder downplane.
The other thing helped me to stop OTT was to start my downswing with my lower body and keep my back facing the target as long as I can so the hands are already low and my shoulders may turn then without OTT.
If you are turning your shoulders that much, and have a flat backswing, it could be that even with a good lower body initiated transition, you are way underplane early in the downswing. This means that you have to use your OTT move halfway down to get the club somewhere near the right impact plane, otherwise you would be so underplane that you would whiff. Try to make a more upright backswing and let the club fall onto the downswing plane.
i mean need to keep practising...from the top of backswing im really trying to stay turned like tiger then swing out to the right!! practice i guess.
what about placing something across my shoulders. so when i get to the top i can pull my arms down without my shoudlers moving if my shoulders go first i will see the like black tape or dowell...etc..move first.
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