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With apologies if this sounds as dumb as it does in my head AND if it's already been mulled over somewhere else on the forum.
My left arm is a complete bastard to me on the downswing. It acts as a blocker and no matter what I try to do - and I have tried everything - it makes my downswing spill power in this horrible, juddery fashion as my right arm fights to go past it.

I was at the range earlier, and I thought that if I could sort of stop my left arm just by my right leg on the downswing, then my right arm should power by. Lo and behold it seemed to work. It felt like a microcosm of my conceptualization of snapping the KC.
I came to the realization that my left arm wasn't obscenely out of position, or over accelerating, but just that it wouldn't bloody stop (or my feeling of stop - obviously it's just slowing down) It just kept going and going and my right arm would just waft away at the ball in an attempt to get it.

Thoughts, with the first paragraph caveat in mind!!!

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Ever since my days of obsessing over everything Faldo said or wrote, nothing has changed my opinion that the left arm can be as big a deterrent to a good swing as anything. Its totally in the way and needs to decel and fold away for the sweetspot/face/head to get on top of the ball and past.
Does anyone believe in the inert left arm anymore? Homer Kelley wrote about it. I don't like it being inert on the backswing, but it has helped me on the downswing


is it left arm speed or is it left forearm rotation...?
-hint- hover your mouse over the key word....
go canucks
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New member
ulnar and radius is like a little mini D-plane.....:)
Visual aid:
Ever since my days of obsessing over everything Faldo said or wrote, nothing has changed my opinion that the left arm can be as big a deterrent to a good swing as anything. Its totally in the way and needs to decel and fold away for the sweetspot/face/head to get on top of the ball and past.

this is confusing, how does the left arm fold before impact as one "gets on top" of the ball?
Ever since my days of obsessing over everything Faldo said or wrote, nothing has changed my opinion that the left arm can be as big a deterrent to a good swing as anything. Its totally in the way and needs to decel and fold away for the sweetspot/face/head to get on top of the ball and past.

Kevin, I couldn't agree more. I've worked my socks off trying to establish a decent swing but, oddly enough i feel I can swing like crap, club and body all over the bloody place, BUT, if my left arm works correctly on the downswing, I'm gonna make pretty good contact and put up an appreciable shot. It's not that it's too dominant, or over accels, just that it doesn't take its cue and exits the stage when it's supposed to. If I try to consciously manipulate it into the correct position, my arms became too much the focus with the resulatant collapse of my forward pivot
The left arm is the sine qua non of my swing, at my particular spot on the matrix. I wonder how many more people are fully paid up members of this rather unenviable club?
Kevin and everybody, thanks for responding. The best forum on the web, bar none.
Ever since my days of obsessing over everything Faldo said or wrote, nothing has changed my opinion that the left arm can be as big a deterrent to a good swing as anything. Its totally in the way and needs to decel and fold away for the sweetspot/face/head to get on top of the ball and past.

This is two things: true, and not very widely known.

My own left arm struggles got real bad when I read about and (mis)applied 'Flat Left Wrist'.

It involved too much inside out on the downswing, sometimes OTT, trying to have my hands too far out in front of the ball (Like MORE insurance? If only), the biggest push fades you've ever seen, hitting behind the ball.

All compounded by the fact that to fix the thing I was doing I was trying to do the thing I was doing even more....
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In TGM vernacular *if you cared, it's called Right Arm Swinging and is a totally acceptable way of hitting a ball..Lanny Wadkins, Jose Maria, Retief, Westwood, Fowler, lots of the women tour players.
I get scratch players who come to me for lessons who have this and just hate it in their swings. I show them all these great players who have it--they nod their heads then go: "so how do we fix it?"
My right arm was basically nonexistent for the first few years that I played due to well-meaning advice from better players, as well as advice from golf publications that weren't directed at me. It doesn't help that my left side is physically stronger. It was years before I ever saw a ball go left. It wasn't until I gave my right arm permission to do something that things began to look up. But I still have issues with the left arm tugging a little too much (fore WAY right), and I struggle using anything less than a very strong grip without feeling like I have to throw the club from the top.
In TGM vernacular *if you cared, it's called Right Arm Swinging and is a totally acceptable way of hitting a ball..Lanny Wadkins, Jose Maria, Retief, Westwood, Fowler, lots of the women tour players.
I get scratch players who come to me for lessons who have this and just hate it in their swings. I show them all these great players who have it--they nod their heads then go: "so how do we fix it?"

A post which shows why you guys are so liked and respected in the golf world. A good therapist would have a ball with the writer of this post.
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