Is Woods too big?

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So much muscle mass. Can he be too cut?

Power undeniably, but is it too much for his joints?

And does growing that much affect the snap of the kinetic chain?

I may be wrong but too much muscle mass can be a problem in some sports. Like boxing, tennis, golf, baseball pitching, among others, where speed is paramount.

?I may be wrong but too much muscle mass can be a problem in some sports. Like boxing, tennis, golf, baseball pitching, among others, where speed is paramount.

TOO much muscle probably is restricting in a sport that requires a full range of motion. However the important point here is... how much muscle is too much? How much is OPTIMAL? Would you rather fat in its place? afterall muscle is active, it moves, generates force and speed, fat is just a store of surplus energy.

With regards to speed, I like to think of the analogy of the marathon runner and the sprinter. Who is more muscular? the sprinter. Who is faster? the sprinter.Why? muscle, in particular fast twitch muscle fibres, and these have the largest potential for growth. you want speed? get those muscles bigger, period. (but it helps if you have a predisposition for large ratio of fast twitch fibres)

The key here, in this debate, is optimal muscle composition for a chosen sport. and to be honest... I dont think Tiger has past this line.


That is really not very big. At all. Everyone talks about how much bigger he is then when he first started. He was just a kid when he started on tour. I'm in my early 30's and I can guarantee my upper body muscle mass has filled out since I was a teenager. And I don't even know anyone named 'Gym' much less go to one. I would lift weights, but they're so heavy...
Tiger is not that big. And given his flexibility, I agree that he hasn't put on enough size yet to cross the optimal line. He has problems, surely; his weight isn't one of them.
Lol jhonny. I still remember brian's post about how much pivot energy is required to move the body mass. Relevant?


New member
Lol jhonny. I still remember brian's post about how much pivot energy is required to move the body mass. Relevant?
But couldn't more muscle mass help in powering the body (energizing the pivot)?

Is Woods too big? No. His ego's so small. Well maybe not, but it's substantially shrunk. This guy was a bulletproof winner who's been carrying home trophies since he's been in his diapers. He also went through a very public scandal. That'd be damaging to anyone in their life--can you imagine what it means in relative terms for a professional athlete? The best in sports are hardly ever nice, normal, well-adjusted people--their genius is in performing coordinated/graceful/powerful athletic movements.

He's a sex-addicted, over-testosteroned (not saying exogenous which I'm sure will be an issue that's going to be raised in this thread) professional athlete and he's been through all of this for almost two years now. I'm not saying we should pity the guy. It's obviously something that he can only feel regretful, embarassed, and just deeply pained over. I don't think that's something anyone could wear very well day-to-day but he has to. He experienced the most public expose of a private matter that anyone ever could. This was a guy who even had a boat named "Privacy". He routinely talked about how much he hated that aspect of his life. Call him entitled, whatever. It's understandable. With all of that light shining into his closet and closely following him around for almost four decades, it's hard not to shrink away. I wouldn't be surprised if Tiger followed a couple of other athletes throughout history who just left (even with records to break on the table). I'm thinking he'll be more like Borg or Koufax rather than Ali. But with him, it won't be as with Borg or Koufax because people will know why. We won't ask "where have you gone Tiger Woods?" In the end, it's golf. It's hard as hell. A scandal as bad as Tiger's is hard as hell as well.

For so long it seemed that the only person that could beat Tiger was Tiger. "Tiger should have won were it not for Butch/Haney/Elin's spaghetti/Stevie/the knee/the weather at Muirfield (at a British Open, shocker)." By doing what he's done and having the whole world know--it's hard. Tiger Woods has finally beaten Tiger Woods. Who says you can't be over-competitive?

So is Woods too big? No. But he feels small. And for an athlete, that's a dangerous thing. Maybe he's been hitting the weights a little more to feel bigger.
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Of course he's not too big. The only thing that's going on with this guy is he's a headcase. All caught up in owning his swing. These technical thoughts he tries to employ are the same thoughts that destroy average joe 15 handicap. They didn't start destroying him until lately.

How much bigger is Gary Woodland than Tiger?
Richie3jack, ...... our stats guy.....

......any stats on his play before he beefed up .................verses after?

Personally, I think he started to muscle the shots after he beefed up..

.....might have had something to do with taking some of the strain off his "hurting" left knee

..just a thought...

...I have no data.......
I also have no data and no expertise...but here goes anyway:

I just don't think you can change you body shape so drastically and still play a game which requires an unmeasurable level of skill.

It ain't HIS body no more. He ain't got HIS swing no more. Therefore, he ain't got HIS game no more. Simples.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Johnny Miller was never the same after a body change. Its absolutley possible and anyone who doesnt think his physique change could have something to do with swing problems should reconsider.
When you are the best player on tour (by far) the extra muscle probably only added to his intimidation factor.
But now...
He may be too big... I know I am naturally slender and wirey and if I pack on extra lbs in the gym my swing feels slower than I think it should be and I end up getting 'handsy' to compensate for it, for what it's worth.
Johnny Miller was never the same after a body change. Its absolutley possible and anyone who doesnt think his physique change could have something to do with swing problems should reconsider.

I think it's absolutely possible for a physique change to make a huge difference, as evidenced by Miller. But I don't think Tiger is appreciably bigger then he was 4 or 5 years ago when he was still winning a bunch. He just keeps talking about how he's had all this time off and needs more reps with Foley in Jupiter. Everytime he takes alot of time off from tournament play, he plays like shit. Who knows if pounding balls on the range with Foley will help him. Like Tyson said, "Everyone's got a plan, till they get punched in the face."
The thing about Johnny Miller was that he wasn't playing while he was getting stronger. As a result, the next time he picked up his clubs they felt different. Tiger was playing while he was getting stronger. Don't forget that he'd gained 15-20 lbs of muscle by the time he turned into "that" Tiger. I think the biggest difference between then and now is that he's not wearing super baggy clothes anymore
Not sure, but I'm leaning towards #9 for some reason. Maybe two or more reasons.

I really don't get #4 though. Maybe Tiger used to really enjoy watching "Rosanne".
Do you guys think Tiger is significantly bigger now than he was in 2005-2007? When I quickly scan old images, he looks about the same to me.
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