it's really hard to shoot under par

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I started to play my xbox360 again using Tiger Woods as my main character.

I hit every shot straight, my best score so far is 71 at. I mean, you have to pretty much make every putt to shoot under 70's. Shot 81 at pebble beach lol



New member
Tiger can't play Pebble very well, he stunk it up in the 2000 US open.

His poor play resulted in this. I know he hasn't done much lately so he deserve's to be kicked when down I mean haters hate.

# Player Country Score To par Winnings
1 Tiger Woods United States 65-69-71-67=272 -12 $800,000
T2 Ernie Els South Africa 74-73-68-72=287 +3 $391,150
Miguel Ángel Jiménez Spain 66-74-76-71=287
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His poor play resulted in this. I know he hasn't done much lately so he deserve's to be kicked when down I mean haters hate.

Lovers love, and realers keep it real. But the most offensive claim was calling that a "kick", that didn't even leave a bruise.:)

Jen was playing the 2011 version of TW, right?:p


New member
Lovers love, and realers keep it real. But the most offensive claim was calling that a "kick", that didn't even leave a bruise.:)

Jen was playing the 2011 version of TW, right?:p

You mean multiple kicks at every opportunity, now that's offensive. Hater's hate, 2000 or 2011 doesn't matter to them, just that now they yap it up but in 2000 wasn't much they could say out loud.:p
But wait, there's more!

Just a few of things you get when joining THE 2011 FAN CLUB...



Lovers love, and realers keep it real. But the most offensive claim was calling that a "kick", that didn't even leave a bruise.:)

Jen was playing the 2011 version of TW, right?:p

NO 2008. I haven't touched this thing since i bought it back in 2008 LOL
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