Jack Nicklaus and senior golfers

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Interesting watching Jack Nicklaus this weekend, demonstrating limited through-the-shot mobility. Not criticizing the effort, but watching his action through impact sparked a thought, given recent threads addressing lower body action: as we seniors deal with gradual loss of flexibility, what is better...to work on takeaway, around and up to the top, or, assuming solid ball striking ability, to accept back turn limitations and emphasize moving through impact to follow-through and balanced finish? Said another way, are seniors better off attempting to complete the fullest hip/shoulder turn away or the fullest move through to a balanced finish?
well...would be interesting to see how fred couples' swing changes as he gets deeper into his senior years. With his swing, seems like he's not actively trying to make a big shoulder or hip turn on the backswing, but he still makes a big shoulder turn as he gets his hands high at the top because of his natural flexibility and athleticism.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
well...would be interesting to see how fred couples' swing changes as he gets deeper into his senior years. With his swing, seems like he's not actively trying to make a big shoulder or hip turn on the backswing, but he still makes a big shoulder turn as he gets his hands high at the top because of his natural flexibility and athleticism.

He closed his stance and hits way more draws since he got older
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