Jackl's swing

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I took a group lesson the other day when I was at Pagosa Springs Country Club, our instructor Daniel just covered 1 ball position just like what I have learned from Brian (whom he never heard of? whats up with that?) So he had us practice hitting the ball in this "new" position and when he came over to me he said "that a pretty good swing" and was suprised when I told him i shoot low 90's. "Thats not a 93 swing" he said.

So I had some pictures taken let me know what ya'll think. I see somethings that stick out in these pictures but i am curious what you see.


not that i'm one to analyze

to my untrained eye it looks like you're casting. in the face on image right before impact you've lost all your lag/wrist cock it seems and i was expecting you to flip it. you managed however to keep that flat left wrist well into the followthrough.

This might just be more of a swingers motion though and i could be completely off base.

Jackl Follow the yellow brick road and ask the Wizard for Courage! Sustaain the lag! to the last possible moment.

It looks like the right leg is straightening during the backswing. Also, a loss of spine angle near impact. Notice how your rear end moves towards the ball as you approach impact. Loss of the tush line as Redgoat would say. This move is probably how you are able to keep your left arm straight through impact. Maybe you are "chasing" the lag.

Do you see how you loose the hands (throwaway) by his right knee. You Just have to think as if can bring his hands closer to his left pocket and You'll get more bent right wrist and axis tilt. AS your pivot takes you thru to impact alignments and follow thru The club will shoots out in to the ground (CF)then swivel on plane into your finish. That migh help you. I'm not an instrutor nor claim to be just my observation of the pictures. If you need to get an Idea what I am talking about look at some of Brians Videos. By the way I like the swing except for the the throw away action near your right knee. Good Job JAckl. Small fixes will help you tremduosly.

Have fun with your discoverey!
The concept of lag doesn't work for everyone. What is workable is simply NOT pressing against or involving the SHAFT of the club WHATSOEVER. The secret to centrifugal throw, where "lag" is automatic, is to PULL THE GRIPCAP END OF THE SHAFT LENGTHWISE along the arc the hands follow, and like a slingshot, the rock CATCHES UP after a substantial amount of time.

Any time I hear "lag" and "pressure point" in reference to the right index finger I get ballistic: it is a recipe for exactly what you see here: a clubhead FULLY unloaded several inches before the location of the ball. This is an extremely inefficient swing: everything is very good otherwise (except that the hands are under plane in the backswing), but the killer is that the shaft is getting moved sideways instead of lengthwise as the downswing proceeds. And by sideways I mean that pressure is being applied to move the shaft towards the ball, not the grip cap.

You simply do not have to worry about the clubhead catching up. You can't possibly prevent THAT. You have to NOT help it do that.
The secret to centrifugal throw, where "lag" is automatic, is to PULL THE GRIPCAP END OF THE SHAFT LENGTHWISE along the arc the hands follow, and like a slingshot, the rock CATCHES UP after a substantial amount of time.

This is sage advice PI.

Jackl: A pretty good action overall but as others have noted you throw-away the lag too early. I'm no instructor by any means but I can tell you what improved my move.

Start with short chips (basic motion) concentrating on putting your hands over your left toe at the moment of impact, keeping a flat left wrist. Then work up to longer swings..., then follow PI's advice above in CAPS.

I figured I'd include the picture that shows what everyone is talking about.

Hula Hula

Listen to Perfect Impact - he knows it for real.

I just add amateur observation that your first move down from "top/end" has shuolders and hips moving together - rather than independently.

Your head and upper body move forwards and shoulders rotate and cast with out to in motion across the ball.

Hula hula hips allow the hips to move forward - clear the right hip - and then shoulders can unwind.

Correct hip action allows right shoulder to go down plane - only with right shoulder going down plane can you sustain the lag ( Brian also likes to think left shoulder going up plane )

Greg McHatton in one of his DVDs talks about "cleaning the grass stains off his right shoulder" -- he gets it DOWN plane so much! - with good hip and pivot action.

I appreciate all of your comments, what PI said makes sense. I cant wait to get out there and hit some balls.

I noticed that Hogan's head is a lot farther behind the ball and his left shoulder position is more over the ball. Others may be able to expand on the relevancy of this.​


strav said:
I noticed that Hogan's head is a lot farther behind the ball and his left shoulder position is more over the ball. Others may be able to expand on the relevancy of this.​

Pretty cool dude! Interesting comparison . . .

Hogan's head is "back" and the right shoulder is more Downplane . . .

Would Jackl's move be better if he drug his cocked left wrist deeeeeper? Would it take care of the shoulder and head?

Nice work coolchiefrockadon'tdrinkvodkakeepapieceofpizzainsideyourlocka . . .
What a great visual!

strav said:
I noticed that Hogan's head is a lot farther behind the ball and his left shoulder position is more over the ball. Others may be able to expand on the relevancy of this.​

Quote from Homer Kelley's Master Class notes:

Keeping the Head behind the ball is not the complete solution. You must keep the head and the Ball behind the hands. Their essential relationship is with the Hands - more than with each other.

I think this picture illustrates the above concept perfectly. You need to get your hands AHEAD of both the ball and your head at impact. To do this, you will need more axis tilt. Look at Brian's video on Axis Tilt for more information on this.
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