Jamie Sadlowski's swing

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Calling Golf's Answer Man, why does he suddenly bend his left arm before impact? OMG OMG, that's a huge power leak. And why does his head bob up during the takeaway?

Somebody is probably going say that he would hit the ground if he didn't shorten his radius...but why?


Notice how in the the shaft doesn't bend as much in the video compared the the GD sequence:


Is this because of shutter speed or different shafts?


if having a serving of chicken wing helps me hit it 400 + yards ill take 2 orders!!! roflmbo

i reckon his "chicken wing" is because his grip isnt that strong, and his release is SOOOO late and he simply cant slow his hands down fast enough to get the face square so he has to bend the arm and the left wrist in order to get the face square. i think ogilvy does a siilar thing
I think Guitar Hero addressed this in his Robotic Fade thread.

BTW, Duane, could you translate - roflmbo?
Bending his left arm just prior to impact is not a "huge power leak", in fact it is the contrary, it adds more speed, thus power power. This is the shortening of the radius...I believe Mandrin has explained this as a speed booster before. You can see this move is some MLB power hitters...they call it the "jut"...Ken Griffy Jr. comes to mind.

Guitar Hero

New member
"JUT" it is.

Bending his left arm just prior to impact is not a "huge power leak", in fact it is the contrary, it adds more speed, thus power power. This is the shortening of the radius...I believe Mandrin has explained this as a speed booster before. You can see this move is some MLB power hitters...they call it the "jut"...Ken Griffy Jr. comes to mind.

"JUT" it is.
Calling Golf's Answer Man, why does he suddenly bend his left arm before impact? OMG OMG, that's a huge power leak.

Why is that a power leak??

And why does his head bob up during the takeaway? Somebody is probably going say that he would hit the ground if he didn't shorten his radius...but why?

It could just be "a quirk and that's it" (though there is always some kind of reason whether you can ID it or not) but I wonder if his extra bent left wrist at address has anything to do with it.

Any other players do this? (extra bent OR early upward bob)
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Nice one GH!!

My fault, John ;) - I should have put one of these little things in :D.

I can imagine that you guys get very fed up of correcting misconceptions that you see over and over. I was just kidding though - except about my own limb of fowl!

I'm still relatively new to this site and to TGM and have recently taken on board FLW etc only to find other threads which challenge my newly found "accepted wisdom". I did read your stuff about the robotic fade and even gave it a go (although I don't have pecs like Arnold!) and the right arm extensor action advice has helped me a lot.

Keep the input going - it helps a lot of people!

People say that Jamie is not just super long but is also a very, very good golfer so he's obviously doing an awful lot right!!


Guitar Hero

New member
My fault, John ;) - I should have put one of these little things in :D.

I can imagine that you guys get very fed up of correcting misconceptions that you see over and over. I was just kidding though - except about my own limb of fowl!

I'm still relatively new to this site and to TGM and have recently taken on board FLW etc only to find other threads which challenge my newly found "accepted wisdom". I did read your stuff about the robotic fade and even gave it a go (although I don't have pecs like Arnold!) and the right arm extensor action advice has helped me a lot.

Keep the input going - it helps a lot of people!

People say that Jamie is not just super long but is also a very, very good golfer so he's obviously doing an awful lot right!!


Jamie is also a good hockey player and every good hockey player I have worked with hits it long.
gawd dang, from the looks of it in the video you would think hes swinging a 40 pound rock on the end of that shaft....
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