Jim, here's what it looks like with the changes

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You should be able to view the mpg.. I used a universal codec.

Sorry for it being so dark in the face on view. I gave a few lessons between the two views.

I think the setup helps a bit when I have that axis tilt. Comparably I'm much more on my right leg in the backswing. I could probalby stand to be even more. I just have to learn to let myself get back.

You were right about the right shoulder though. It did seem to make it easier for it to go more downplane.

I'm still working on not being so flat on the takeaway. You can see in the first swing I'm flatter, then I lift the club up. That's my old habit. The second swing is different which really shows what exactly it is I"m working on. The second swing you can see the club is on virtually the same plane going back as it is going forward all because of that slightly different takeaway and feeling like I'm bringing the club in sideways to the ball, not pulling it lengthwise.

I'm still over swinging on my backswing though. I really need to calm it down.
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