Low point shouldn't move, it's always under the left shoulder. If you can't "get there" then you are hanging back.
Sounds like above, sounds like you are hanging back a bit due to not moving your hips foward enough i'm betting.
You probably didn't lose distance, you are probably just hitting the ball with the right amount of loft. With that old swing it seemed like you came much further ahead of the ball and delofted it.
Makes sense, i'm willing to bet that when you got ahead of the ball you were delofting the club to varying degress that weren't consistent making it hard to play to a certain distance. Just stick with it and you will see the improvement in the long clubs. Just remember you still have to get those hips to move foward.
Honestly, that OTT move isn't really an OTT move. You come down the turned shoulder plane and it sounds like you took it back on the elbow plane and shifted to the TSP and then came down it, so it made it look like an OTT move but in reality it wasn't. Just my opinion.
I think you're just taking it much more up the TSP and coming back down the TSP so it makes it look more on plane but you could have possibly been on plane before as well. Just now you aren't shifting as much.
I'm hearing a lot about my setup being too bent over. I really feel comfortable here and I don't feel like I'm comming out of it at all. When I watch the video I don't see a sugnificant balance problem. When it comes to that sort of advice I have a lot of skepticism. Beware of the man who repeats what he hears but does not know why. When I look at my spine angle it's about right on average of Tiger, Mickelson, Payne Stewart, an Harrington when I did comparrisons.