Jon Gustin

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Anyone else heard of him? His style is legit. Note the approval of GOD for some of you, I mean Mr. Hogan.
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Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
I think his swing is textbook for the release thread and the new video. I have watched the Gustin swing for a long time. Really good.

Brian Manzella

I just don;t like what you've been doing around here Jeff.

And I still don't.

You will find out at the ANTI SUMMIT that me and MJ aren't as stupid as you think, and your new guy doesn't have every answer.

Book it.

Brian Manzella


17 centimeters!!!!!

I must have said that 1700 times in lessons the last two or three years.

That's how far the body's CoG moves forward in the downswing.

You watched the video, but you didn't "get it."



17 centimeters!!!!!

I must have said that 1700 times in lessons the last two or three years.

That's how far the body's CoG moves forward in the downswing.

You watched the video, but you didn't "get it."

OK. Looks to me like Gustin is moving a lot more than 17 centimeters.


If you know the proper moves to make, can you make them and make the ball go far? And this is a yes or no question.

Actually, that is a two part question, not a yes or no question.

I slide too much, too. Clubhead speed tops out at 103mph. Next season, I hope to be able to answer "yes" to both questions.
OK. Looks to me like Gustin is moving a lot more than 17 centimeters.

In fairness, while I have no expertise in this area, it seems at least conceivable to me that movement of certain parts of the bodydoes not automatically equate with movement of the body's CoG. Couldn't certain parts be moving forward while others move back, and vice versa, resulting in a CoG that moves differently in response?
I do teach at the same place Chris Gustin teaches, Marbella CC. He is total stack n tilt and I am not, Jared...unless I teach a punch shot, then it's fairly similar.
Bill McKinney, PGA, GSEM(r)

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
I didn't figure you were, Billy. For some reason I like giving you a hard time. Anyway, your too smart to limit yourself. Tell Chris his dad's pattern was sweet.
Had the privilege of taking several lessons from Mr. Gustin. He had a beautiful swing

and was a great player and ball striker. He was not known for his putting. Tragically, he developed Alzheimer's fairly early in his life and is no longer with us.

I remember playing at Birmingham CC years ago with his son Chris (who turned out ot be a great player himself) and Jon was watching us when someone hit a shot to about 8 feet on #11 - a par three. Mr. Gustin turned to me and said "You know, I had a putt just like on that hole the other day and if I had made it, I would have had ten birdies in a row". I think he shot 61 that day.
I didn't figure you were, Billy. For some reason I like giving you a hard time. Anyway, your too smart to limit yourself. Tell Chris his dad's pattern was sweet.
Indeed, you are a bit of a ball-buster..I take nothing personally, so carry on.
Meanwhile, there seems to be a lot more money in limiting oneself as the typical customer seems to want a definitive recipe instead of parameters and variation auditioning.
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