Just a short note....

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I would just like to say how much this forum is so much more enjoyable to me now than FGI ever was. Not only is it more enjoyable but much more informative also.

Less mud slung mechanical arguements occur here than FGI because people seem more open to other peoples thoughts and listening to them, it is a nice small community. Im even becoming more open minded myself namely because members have gained my trust and while I may not always agree a few members I respect their views that I do sometimes find I re-evalute old conceptions of my own and sometimes find merit in their arguements depending on the outlook of the advice given and sometimes even agreeing with them.

Initially I attacked this forum because of my peave with FGI I have over a few issues within that forum and the members and one member in particular. I saw this as a branch of FGI and was acting out of hurt. It is much more peaceful/refreshing here and while the posting level may not be so high, I find the quality of the posting much higher than it ever was at FGI.

There is no competition of who's the best. No more flaming ego's and no longer do we have Rory just doing a one word post just so he can have the zillionith post. No longer do we have constant dayly innane posts like - whats your favourite tellitubby.... - in the clubhouse.

I would like to thank Brian for providing us with his knowledge and this forum. I always like the part of the day when I come to look at the forum and see the new posts.

Im a pretty isolated person and apart from my girlfriend/fianc'e to speak to, I really don't have that much contact with outsiders and my internet talk becomes more important to me than many of you can realise and it means alot that no matter what, I can come here and read posts and enjoy/relax all the posts made than perhaps to the normal average poster.




Ps Ive just changed my screen name to just my name....

Think it's better than Eminem, even if his music is A1, since I created Eminem because of the style of what my posts would be.

what you think ?
Welcome to the forum mathew. I think you've developed into a more mature person and find your posting much more interesting now. Even though I've enjoyed some of your rages before ;)
You can really learn to play golf here...the regular posters here travel at a higher plane than the normal boards..it's refreshing not to have to put up with all the nonsense that you do elswhere...good luck..
I agree, this is so much better than FGI. FGI was probably the first golf forum I stumbled upon, but it got real old, real fast. This is pure golf swing info here. I got so tired of the 130 mph swing speeds and xxx accuflex shafts on FGI.


you mean you are tired of the "my swingspeed is 75mph, and I hit my driver 275-290, no roll. My driver is Neme w/ an X penley....." :)
This is a good forum and it has taught me some things that i had never thought of as well. Can't wait til Spring!
quote:Originally posted by Eminem

I would just like to say how much this forum is so much more enjoyable to me now than FGI ever was. Not only is it more enjoyable but much more informative also.

Less mud slung mechanical arguements occur here than FGI because people seem more open to other peoples thoughts and listening to them, it is a nice small community. Im even becoming more open minded myself namely because members have gained my trust and while I may not always agree a few members I respect their views that I do sometimes find I re-evalute old conceptions of my own and sometimes find merit in their arguements depending on the outlook of the advice given and sometimes even agreeing with them.

Initially I attacked this forum because of my peave with FGI I have over a few issues within that forum and the members and one member in particular. I saw this as a branch of FGI and was acting out of hurt. It is much more peaceful/refreshing here and while the posting level may not be so high, I find the quality of the posting much higher than it ever was at FGI.

There is no competition of who's the best. No more flaming ego's and no longer do we have Rory just doing a one word post just so he can have the zillionith post. No longer do we have constant dayly innane posts like - whats your favourite tellitubby.... - in the clubhouse.

I would like to thank Brian for providing us with his knowledge and this forum. I always like the part of the day when I come to look at the forum and see the new posts.

Im a pretty isolated person and apart from my girlfriend/fianc'e to speak to, I really don't have that much contact with outsiders and my internet talk becomes more important to me than many of you can realise and it means alot that no matter what, I can come here and read posts and enjoy/relax all the posts made than perhaps to the normal average poster.



No one here has been more offended by your past behavior here than me (as was made clear in my own posts). I am hopeful that you are able to continue on your current path, and I wish you the best in your endeavors. You positive posts have been valuable contributions to this forum. Keep up the good work Mathew. :)


Thanks for all your positive posts Mathew, and for posting your swing too. How are things going with your swing?


Thank you everyone for your responces :)

Edz - Swing is coming along, only played once since my posting of pictures and backswing didn't look quite as good and ball contact isn't great at moment but believe im on the right track because I can see improvement in the film. My plan is that I can tinker around till the summer and then work on playing well again and getting consistancy in my swing.

Docklands - No I am not Ragman. In the words of Eminem "I am whoever I say I am, If I wasn't then why would I say I am"...lol.
quote:Originally posted by Mathew

Thank you everyone for your responces :)

Edz - Swing is coming along, only played once since my posting of pictures and backswing didn't look quite as good and ball contact isn't great at moment but believe im on the right track because I can see improvement in the film. My plan is that I can tinker around till the summer and then work on playing well again and getting consistancy in my swing.

Docklands - No I am not Ragman. In the words of Eminem "I am whoever I say I am, If I wasn't then why would I say I am"...lol.

Welcome aboard Mathew. Either name worked for me, Eminem loves his mom and that always worked for me, although my 10 year old daughter has a (glup) crush on the guy (help me).

The instruction section has come to a stand still over on FGI. I only agrue politics in the clubhouse now...way fun I might add.


Mathew seems to me to be a far better guy than Eminem and the change is very welcome.

Hope the swing gets to where you want it to be real soon. Meanwhile, I look forward to reading of your progress.
Two other sites are great because of a new poster YODA ----HE KNOWS THE GOLFING MACHINE AND CAN WRITE WELL. The sites are thegolfingmachine.com and chuckevansforum.com.
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