Just received "The Sheriff"

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Well, aside from a minor issue of it losing the screws and bolt over the pond somewhere :) (easily bought from local hardware shop) I am stunned by what this has done in 20 minutes of use.

My main putting problems.....

Everyone says my stroke looks "nice". To me that's like me telling my wife she looks "nice"..... You know there is trouble ;)

I have very inconsitent contact on course....I middle very few putts.....

I hole out o.k from 4 ft and in but never make many "big" putts and my pace control is poor....

I have to say (and I wish I was on commisson) that The Sheriff has me middling putts after a short session.

Brian, any more "drills" you have discovered using it?

Anyone else using it in a specific way?

Looking forward to downloading the live session, shame I can't stay up late :mad:

I hope we can do a bit of putting in a weblesson as soon as I am webcammed up :)
Looking forward to downloading the live session, shame I can't stay up late :mad:

"But Muuum, I want to play with the Sheeeerriiiifff!!!! " :D

Have you tried setting it up on a breaking putt or thus far only been using it on the flat?

I know it's supposed to help the "stroke" so the flat should be all that's needed I would have thought, but you were asking for ways to use it and that just popped into my head as I sit home bored to death with the flu :mad:
I have The Sheriff too...I'm a little confused as to the purpose and/or how to use the black line on The Sheriff. How have you used it?
ManzellaLive would be a perfect way to show how to use The Sheriff.
"Golf can be fun but nothing can ease the pain of the wife being off 0.5 when you're of 5.0"

-Maybe you should take a tip or 2 from your wife. :) JK, JK, JK
I have The Sheriff too...I'm a little confused as to the purpose and/or how to use the black line on The Sheriff. How have you used it?
ManzellaLive would be a perfect way to show how to use The Sheriff.

the black line is where the face will square up, when the shaft is vertical
I just used it indoors feeling the stroke/plane. I feel on the course with a breaking putt will show how much I manipulate things :D

And the wife will be put on it as soon as she's up to it, she's an awesome ball striker but not a GREAT putter.

As Brian said.....

That leaves 1%.

They all hit it where they are looking, and either win the club championship every other year, or if they can putt, win tournaments.

If they are "the best putter in their state" (<<famous Don Villavaso quote), then they PLAY ON THE PGA Tour!

When she putts well she wins!!!!

I found that it is important when applying the block to the shaft that it matches up with the alignment line on my putter, ensuring the face is at 90' to the block and therefore 90' to the plane.

If that is the case the face will be square at vertical (assuming your putter is built to be square at vertical, i.e not forward or backward leaning)

I think that makes sense :D
Just back from a tournament with my wife at Hoylake...

Nice boxed 2 iron of Tigers in the clubhouse...full of history...

Anyhow....I spent about 2 hours total on the sheriff before going....

I holed SO many putts. 4ft, 40ft......they were flying in from all over!!!!!

Looking forward to some advanced instruction but right here right now....

I have NEVER putted better.....

I will now STOP going on about it......

(And we made in to quarter finals of Royal Liverpool Scratch Foursomes with a wife with a heart problem using a buggy)

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