Well, aside from a minor issue of it losing the screws and bolt over the pond somewhere
(easily bought from local hardware shop) I am stunned by what this has done in 20 minutes of use.
My main putting problems.....
Everyone says my stroke looks "nice". To me that's like me telling my wife she looks "nice"..... You know there is trouble
I have very inconsitent contact on course....I middle very few putts.....
I hole out o.k from 4 ft and in but never make many "big" putts and my pace control is poor....
I have to say (and I wish I was on commisson) that The Sheriff has me middling putts after a short session.
Brian, any more "drills" you have discovered using it?
Anyone else using it in a specific way?
Looking forward to downloading the live session, shame I can't stay up late
I hope we can do a bit of putting in a weblesson as soon as I am webcammed up
My main putting problems.....
Everyone says my stroke looks "nice". To me that's like me telling my wife she looks "nice"..... You know there is trouble
I have very inconsitent contact on course....I middle very few putts.....
I hole out o.k from 4 ft and in but never make many "big" putts and my pace control is poor....
I have to say (and I wish I was on commisson) that The Sheriff has me middling putts after a short session.
Brian, any more "drills" you have discovered using it?
Anyone else using it in a specific way?
Looking forward to downloading the live session, shame I can't stay up late
I hope we can do a bit of putting in a weblesson as soon as I am webcammed up