Just say what it is!...more "Friends" preview

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Brian Manzella

Words are VERY important things. Especially when you are talking about the golf swing, trying to learn the golf swing, or trying to teach it.

For instance:

"Tracing a Straight Plane Line"

In my upcoming "friends" video, I discuss my current theories on Plane and Path.

Remember all the ball knows is...assuming center (sweetspot) impact...is

1. PATH of the clubhead—that means both in & out AND up & down.

2. Delivered POSITION of the clubface—that's actual loft and open & close.

3. Clubhead Speed.​

So...in simple english, Ball Flight=where the clubhead path is pointing + where the clubhead face is pointing + speed


So....the ball doesn't know ANYTHING about "plane line."

I will discuss this at some length in the "Friends" video.

Coming Soon.


New member
pm--In and out means how far right or left you'd be swinging into contact. Up and down means an ascending or descending or level blow.
In and out means either inside to out swingpath or an outside to in swingpath and up and down means either flipping or hitting down on the ball...is that correct?


pm--In and out means how far right or left you'd be swinging into contact. Up and down means an ascending or descending or level blow.


New member
In and out--the swing on a curve (in-to-out, out-to-in, relatively straight on)

Up and down--descending blow or ascending blow (including flipping, although, I'm sure with some amount of axis tilt, you can have an ascending blow without flipping)
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