K.I.S.S. Principle

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I get way too caught up in swing mechanics, to the detriment of my game. I have vowed this year to Keep it simple, stupid. I know my main faults: I get Aligned right of target, ball too far forward, and tend to get too tall at address. In addition, with all the mechanical thougts, esp. on the backswing, my tempo out of whack (fast start, slow down, fast down = =multiple tempos). AS you can imagine not the best sequence for playing in tournies.
So, I have come up with a few things to work on consistently:
- Square ALignment,
- Good Ball position
- Good setup
- For my swing, concentrate on keeping a consistent light grip pressure throughout the whole swing and use VJ's "seveenteen" swing tempo.
I bought a cam corder and will monitor progress with that (and hopefully upload a swing here). Need to rethink my instructer.
My (long winded) question is: given the above, what would you suggest to someone who is trying to keep it simple and get away from being too mechanical?
I know you're waiting for Brian to chime in....

I'll say tho for me it's helped to seperate in my mind what I'm trying to do with my golf swing- what a golf swing basically (very basically) IS....

-setup (grip, alignment, balance, etc.)

-pivot (your body without the arms)

-3 IMPERATIVES- FLWrist, Lag Pressure, Straight Plane Line

-3 FUNCTIONS- controlling clubFACE, clubHEAD (Angle of Attack, Release Point, Aiming Point, etc....the "up and down dimension"), clubSHAFT (what kind of Plane Line you Trace)


Now obviously you don't THINK about all this when playing a round of golf and you're over a shot.....but this is good stuff when you get confused and need to remind yourself what you're actually trying to do. (everyone knows the feeling)

When you have your swing figured out to the point where you can go out and play and be comfortable you'll prolly have a few key concepts that really are big things for YOUR golf swing.

Just to put examples out there, the biggest ones for me have been starting with a Lagging Clubhead Takeaway........."drop and pivot" (on some shots)....and "left shoulder UP." (this is how I "hit it".....prolly the most important thing ever)

When you really get er goin you don't have to think about much of this....and at times you may only have one holistic image of your swing in your mind....

....but you'll surely be going back to the "keys" at some point when....uh- the "garden" that is your golf swing "needs a trimming" ;) hehe Brian.

"Golf swings are more like gardens than buildings." -BM
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You cannot beat "The Golf Swing Simplified" by John Jacobs. It is out of print, but you can usually find a copy on Amazon or ebay.
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