quote:Originally posted by jimmydean
Anyone have any good thoughts or drills to keep one's head back? My tendency is to let my head move forward, causing pushes and hooks. Thanks.
quote:Originally posted by bts
Eliminate your intent to "move the clubhead and ball toward the target" and focus on "moving the clubhead toward its finish position".
birdie_man said:You guys prolly need Lag Pressure, no?
i.e. watch for the flip.
pieman,pieman said:hope brian can help clear this up as well. when he said previously to get the rear end forward, i hope he clarifies this a bit. is this a 'bump' of the tailbone to go forward adn have the head staying back? also, how to keep from hitting thin with a steady head? seems if you hit down you move the head to a slightly lower position. maybe some of this needs to go in a diff. thread, but any help is greatly appreciated.
Burner said:pieman,
Watch Brian's signature swing (old forum) and see his "rear end/tailbone forward and stationary head" move.
His upper body (right) stays back and down whilst his lower body (left) drives forward and up.
BTW Brian, where has the swing gone? Can you resurrect it?
(Edited once realised that Brian's swing was no longer part of his signature on the new forum.)