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Anyone use them or recommend them? New years and all.

Off topic, anyone want to buy a treadmill?

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Anyone use them or recommend them? New years and all.

Off topic, anyone want to buy a treadmill?


I have 2, a 20lb and a 30lb feels feel different than a barbell/dumbell. Some good execises one can do with them and Im also loooking into indian clubs. Checkeck these youtube vids.

I am 10 sessions into a long term comittment, with a personal trainer, to getting in shape. 1 hour sessions, 3 times a week, MWF. I am 66 years old, but according to her, in pretty good shape due to golf, dancing, and staying active. She is varying the exercises as we progress. She has a plan that appears to be working.

A couple of sessions ago, she introduced the Kettlebell. The video in this thread is exactly what we did. Talk about finding muscles you didn't know you had. She says we will be using KB to work on specific muscles involved in swinging a golf club.

After this short time, the change in the tone and strength of my core and quads is amazing. Can't wait until golf season starts up in a few months.

I highly recommend KB's with a few caveats. I was fortunate enough to have a KB based gym open near my house a few years ago. They only run classes, you can't go there and work out on your own. 3 classes a week (50 min) and I was in the best shape of my life since high school (I'm 47). Had to take a few months off, but I'm really looking to get back to it. So, the caveats are that you have to learn proper technique from someone who really knows what they are talking about and the local guy at Planet Fitness may not be the guy. The reason is that you can easily hurt yourself by doing it wrong. You also need to use the correct weight for the particular exercise. Too light may be more likely to hurt you than too heavy.

In any event, they are not tough on the joints, they can give you a total body workout in a short time and they are relatively inexpensive. More and more people looking for "functional strength" are turning to them. You can check out this site for a ton of info: Their Minute of Strength videos go back pretty far and explain a lot of stuff. I think Pavel has a good starter kit too.

Good luck. HNY Bob



have you tried treading water for 10 minutes in the deep end? ;)

+1 on the treading. I sink like a stone so treading really kicks my butt. About 30 minutes and I am looking for a raft.
Really want to get a couple of KB to add to my exercise toy box but the prices they get for a hunk of metal makes my medicine ball lookmore useful.
+1 on the treading. I sink like a stone so treading really kicks my butt. About 30 minutes and I am looking for a raft.
Really want to get a couple of KB to add to my exercise toy box but the prices they get for a hunk of metal makes my medicine ball lookmore useful.

30 minutes is an amazing amount of time treading water

I did 20 minutes once and it was all I had
I did some KB workouts at a local MMA gym. Makes you use your body in a natural way which forces you to fire the muscles in the right sequence. Was pretty effective.
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Anyone use them or recommend them? New years and all.

Off topic, anyone want to buy a treadmill?


KBs are popular at crossfit gyms. I've been using them for nearly 2 years. They are an effective training aid in that they are rather difficult to handle (sort of awkward to move). Having said that, it's possible to use DBs for certain kettlebell excercises (one armed swings, for example).

KB provide a total body workout. These aren't for isolation type movements. Usually kettlebells are used in squats, farmers carries, swings, rack holds, etc. Your legs, arms, shoulders, and core are usually engaged in each exercise.

The form is not overly difficult to learn and I'd advise starting with something small and light before progressing to heavier weights (for most workouts, I use the 53# and 70#).
Thanks to everyone for the help and recommendations. I'm gonna start using them this week. I'm really looking forward to it (not really).
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