Kevin Shields is the S#@$!!!

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Today I am proud to say I had my first golf lesson, and would love to tell you guys about my experience and to praise a great guy and a great teacher. I traveled to the Steel City today to have my first golf lesson. My wife's family lives in Pittsburgh and we came in to have a post Super Bowl Party..they LOVE the Steelers. Anyhoo..I wanted to see a Manzella instructor soon to find out where my swing was at and how I can improve it, and to make sure I don't fall into bad habits right away. Since this was my first lesson, needless to say...I was EXTREMELY nervous and immediatly started sweating. I really wanted to perform well in the lesson and not dissapoint anyone, including myself. I started hacking at it a little and after a few swings started to feel a little more comfortable, so my true pattern started to shine through. After about six or seven swings, Kevin was able to diagnose my problem. Basically, he said I had too much upper-body travel, and not enough "lower-body slide/javelin throw/throw the drunk bum off my shoulder." For some reason or another, these terms really hit home to me; especially the "throw the drunk bum off my shoulder" ;). We also fixed my pivot. Kevin had me stepping on my back foot more in my backswing, and that seemed to help everything with my pattern. I got invaluable advice on equipment suggestions, and I have a much better understanding of my "move" and know where to go from here to improve.
Being a new golfer, I was very impressed with Kevin as a teacher. He has a very laid-back approach and made me feel right at home. He's able to take complex theories about the golf swing and explain it well to a beginner. Did I mention he's also a nice guy? I would recommend him to ANYONE.
Kevin, thank you for your help today and I really look forward to working with you again.


Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Thanks, man. Very nice endorsement. Very impressive for just starting out a few months ago. Look forward to doing it again.
You are very lucky to just starting golf and be on this website.

I am also lucky I found this website early too. You will kill bad faults

early on. I was wondering if you could post your swing and we can see all

your improvements after only playing for two months. You eventually will find

though that hitting the ball well and shooting good golf scores are two different things.

i have heard that Kevin is a good teacher.....

kevin i do have a question...referring to his lesson

he mentioned more on the right foot during the pivot

let me be a bit picky......just for understanding sake...

isnt the weight moved to the right foot leg side..(pick 1)

before the the pivot begins....

i know im trying to be to exact but its important to me


You are very lucky to just starting golf and be on this website.

I am also lucky I found this website early too. You will kill bad faults

early on. I was wondering if you could post your swing and we can see all

your improvements after only playing for two months. You eventually will find

though that hitting the ball well and shooting good golf scores are two different things.

Yeah...I was going to post this weekend, but I thought I'd wait a couple weeks. I think I'll put an old swing up(pre-lesson) and a post lesson swing up at the same time. Im gonna work on the things Kevin and I discussed for a little bit and try to get a little more comfortable with it. Then Ill do a side by side comparison deal and you can see the changes and I'll tell you what the ball is doing. Sooo....In a couple weeks.

I can't wait to get some sticks so I can start working on everything...wedges,bunker play etc.etc learning to score. Gonna post a thread question soon about equipment and hope to get some advice on that end also. Ill be buying something soon.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
i have heard that Kevin is a good teacher.....

kevin i do have a question...referring to his lesson

he mentioned more on the right foot during the pivot

let me be a bit picky......just for understanding sake...

isnt the weight moved to the right foot leg side..(pick 1)

before the the pivot begins....

i know im trying to be to exact but its important to me



Howard, he had a very full turn but was dominated by his arms. I just had him step on his right foot and put the club in motion with his rotation. That hopefully allowed his arms to kinda coast to the top, making it easier for him to retain some turn into his transition (because his arms traveled alot, he tugged and unwound his upper body to get his arms back in front of him)

I've said for awhile here syncronizing my swing by learning a proper inner rotation, step on right foot LCT is the single best tip ive ever received. So if my students dont do it, at least we're gonna try to see if it provides some rythym, synchro and power if thats what they lack.

kevin....thanks for the explanation

i was just wondering in the soft draw..(not that that was his....i have no idea) with the lag takeaway i thought you move the weight to the right...THEN the turn begins.....i am probably trying to be to exact......but you have the knowledge and i have the teach

thanks kevin

always nice to get an exact answer......seems mine-ooot

geeez i am starting to talk like bmanz (lol)........but to me.....i do each step in slo-mo.......

and it helps to isolate in the beginning

thank you Kevin
Haha... at least his father didn't start him when he was 3... I mean, this has been absolute torture from the beginning of my memories...

Too bad you didn't have Earl as your Dad! (or in your case Phil's Dad, being a lefty and all!)
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