Kids on golf course

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Kids are not always welcome at golf courses (especially in USA) says an article The writer speaks from personal experience.
He relates instances of how the people at the counters were rude when they came to know that his 7-yr-old son was going to play and the writer would only supervise.
Though I agree that the people could have been polite but allowing kids on the golf course is inviting trouble. If kids are not supervised properly they tend to wander and it can be dangerous. While some parents may be conscientious one cannot assume that all of them will be the same.

So, kids should not be allowed on golf courses. Do you agree with me?
could not agree with you more matthew. when my son was young, i used to drive miles to find deserted nine hole cow pastures so he could play. he is now a professional and loves golf like i do. i think we have to pick and choose carefully where and when we take young people on the course, but the earlier we can expose them to real golf, the better. i hope that sweetgolfer was referring to those less sensitive people who themselves don't care if they hold the rest of us up when they play.
Kids should be encouraged to play when they show an interest.
Kids should be given simple instruction on playing and etiquette instruction with emphasis on saftey and pace of play.
The golf professional should verify the childs aptitude listed above, before letting them play.
They should be allow to play as long as accompanied by a parent or guardian until age 12, during times established for junior golfers by the course policy.
They should be allow to use practice area (putting and chipping greens)and driving ranges (range balls at a reduced price).
They are the future of the game. We should encourage their success.
The great thing about Tiger Woods was that he created several thousand new golfers for the futre of the game. The bad thing about Tiger Woods was that he created several thousand Earl Woods for the future of the game. Think about it and you will understand what I mean.
How many times have you seen the soccer dad, the baseball dad, the tennis dad? All of them forcing a kid to do something he doesnt want to do. Now we have a new sport for an overzealous father to shove his kid into.
I take my six year old golfing on a nice muni about five times a year and it has only been a wonderful experience. Everyone has done nothing but smile seeing him play with me. He drives off the tee and hits a second shot, then hits up to the green from closer in, then putts. Nothing puts a smile on his face better then finding his ball on the "beach." Maybe one day he will be the finest bunker player in the world because of it. :D
All depends on how advanced the kids skills are. My son goes out on his own at the local muni and he is 11. Recently he was hooked up with some senior gentlemen and at the end of the round one fellow asked him for his autograph.
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