Kudos to Jim_0068

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I just wanted to post a thread of thanks to Jim_0068 and the difference TGM and his instruction has made to my Golf.

It’s a long story but worth the read I think :-

After a long search around the internet I eventually stumbled across the FGI site and one day clicked on a thread that dealt with a swing fault question that I knew I had - Jim had replied and it made a lot of sense – so wanting to know more I emailed him direct and since then he has taken the time and a lot of patience to answer all my questions and then some (I'm even picking up the US lingo).

I was an 18 handicapper with an all arms and hands swing, a strong right hand grip, closed shoulders, no axis tilt, a small reverse pivot, no flat left wrist, no pp#3 and a flipper – just hand & eye co-ordination (former sports) and a will to improve got me to that handicap.

After a few questions Jim concluded that I was a swinger using angle hinge – which meant nothing to me at the time.

He’s explaining to me TGM in simple terms, I’m learning all the time and I can feel my swing improving with each tweak, I'm also able to feel what I'm doing wrong on occasions, something I was never able to do.

Now after a few months of online tuition - I’m a steady 14 handicapper with a much better and more consistent swing - my ball striking is light years ahead of where it was, my bunker play has improved, only my pathetic putting lets me down from scoring better - which Jim has tactfully mentioned in another thread [:I] – LOL

What is all the more amazing is the fact that I am from England, UK and Jim’s in Chicago and he’s never even seen me swing !!!!! -------I haven’t sent him a video - he doesn’t even know what I look like [:eek:)] (lucky him) - It’s all been done through, questions & answers and links to BM Instruction Articles and Lynn Blake Links.

So a really big thanks to Jim, his time and patience and to all you TGM instructors and contributors who have taken the time to set up & post on these sites to help us golfers who want to improve.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
It's my pleasure to help...i'm sure when you make it to Chicago for vacation you'll make it allll up to me.

And guys, to be honest, if i could have him for a few hours on the putting green giving him some putting lessons i'd turn him into a single digit handi without trouble.
Quicky to thanks JIm. I read all his posts here, Lyn Blake forum and FGI. They make a lot of sense and easy to understand.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Thanks palmreader...good to know i'm helping. However i didn't always know what i know, a lot was learned from brian, lynn, as well as others.

I just use my ability to take things that are sometimes hard to understand and turn them into analogies or "feels" that anyone should be able to relate too.
Jim and I have met. I had him over to my home course the other day for a quick nine and range session. The session with Jim was extremely helpful. I'm just starting to grasp the hitting concept. JIm clarified a few things for me and definitely helped my swing.
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