Lack of divots?

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Am I not golfing to my full potential if I'm not creating much of a divot. I golf with a buddy who just got some new irons made for himself and all of a sudden he lays sod on most of his shots. I mean BIG divots with his wedges. I can hit a full gap wedge and just make a scuff mark. Sometimes I'll make a divot but no size to it. Should I be concerned? I feel like I make solid contact on most of my short iron shots (7 iron on down).

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Divot depth and length is a function of angle of attack, loft on the club, and sole design. Ideally you should take more divot with more loft and less with each club if your angle of attack doesn't vary much.
Divot depth and length is a function of angle of attack, loft on the club, and sole design. Ideally you should take more divot with more loft and less with each club if your angle of attack doesn't vary much.

I would add ball placement in relation to low point (left shoulder).
Curtis I don't know if this will help you but I've had the same problem for some time and tried EVERYTHING. I just recently found the solution for me. I had too flat a shoulder turn. When I swing steeper I take nice divots. Much better contact and added some length and height with the long irons. It's like when the club gets to the top now it's preset to fire down on the ball. With the flat shoulder turn I just couldn't get down and through the ball.
Curtis I don't know if this will help you but I've had the same problem for some time and tried EVERYTHING. I just recently found the solution for me. I had too flat a shoulder turn. When I swing steeper I take nice divots. Much better contact and added some length and height with the long irons. It's like when the club gets to the top now it's preset to fire down on the ball. With the flat shoulder turn I just couldn't get down and through the ball.

Yeah, my long irons suck. I don't feel confident with a 5 iron or longer.
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