Lag a bunker shot

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Should one hit a bunker shot while lagging the clubhead? If so, how can one use bounce and hit the beveled edge by a forward leaning clubshaft.

As a follow up, should one "release" or "swivel" a normal bunker shot?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
dsmith2296 said:
Should one hit a bunker shot while lagging the clubhead? If so, how can one use bounce and hit the beveled edge by a forward leaning clubshaft.

As a follow up, should one "release" or "swivel" a normal bunker shot?

Yes you should lag a bunker shot but you dont use a lot of LAG PRESSURE. That's the trick ;)

You can still have foward lean and not have the leading edge take a divot, flippers do it all the time.

The only time you'd want to full roll a bunker shot is if you wanted the ball to travel lower and run out more or hit it further. For instance on brian's video "over and out" he describes that the 30-40 yard bunker shot isn't that hard because all you have to do is 'full roll' it so that the ball goes further.

Brian Manzella

dsmith2296 said:
Should one hit a bunker shot while lagging the clubhead? If so, how can one use bounce and hit the beveled edge by a forward leaning clubshaft.

As a follow up, should one "release" or "swivel" a normal bunker shot?

As far as I know, I am a world-class bunker shot player. ;)

I have MORE TRIGGER DELAY (the lag you mention) and can hit all the bunker shots.


Open face adds bounce.

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