Lag / Realese Question

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Lag / Release Question

Hi A/ goes...

Does the correct creation / (retention) of lag at the start / first 3rd of the downswing.....automatically "create" the correct "release" at/through impact.....or.....

is the correct "release" at/through impact(flat left wrist etc )...a seperate entity..that may or may-not happen EVEN THOUGH lag has been created-retained in the start of the downswing to perhaps.....say...half-way down.

Discussion please.

Dave ( England )
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rave154 said:
Hi A/ goes...

Does the correct creation / (retention) of lag at the start / first 3rd of the downswing.....automatically "create" the correct "release" at/through impact.....or..

is the correct "release" at/through impact(flat left wrist etc )...a seperate entity..that may or may-not happen EVEN THOUGH lag has been created-retained in the start of the downswing to perhaps.....say...half-way down.

Discussion please.

Dave ( England )

The existence of lag is no guarantee that release will occur correctly or at all, but the presence of lag indicates that a release can occur, as long as other necessary factors are also included.
reply to biffer

ok, biffer...

so ive started the downswing.....maintained &/or created some lag...

so what do i do?..where do i go?...what direction?
rave154 said:
ok, biffer...

so ive started the downswing.....maintained &/or created some lag...

so what do i do?..where do i go?...what direction?

Rotation is the key. If the club is moving on a circular orbit, angular momentum will force an automatic release. Simply rotate your body around a fixed vertical axis and hang on.


rave154 said:
ok, biffer...

so ive started the downswing.....maintained &/or created some lag...

so what do i do?..where do i go?...what direction?


Forget about lag, release and all that stuff and just focus for now on belting the living daylights out of the ball.

You will begin to experience lag and learn what is, and how to trigger, your particular release as your competence improves.

These are not easy skills to aquire. You cannot "pick 'em off a shelf". You have to earn these skills and some guys never do - we would all be off scratch otherwise.

Nevertheless, it is fun and frustration trying.

Good luck in your quest for better golf. :)


rave154 said:
Hi A/ goes...

Does the correct creation / (retention) of lag at the start / first 3rd of the downswing.....automatically "create" the correct "release" at/through impact.....or.....

is the correct "release" at/through impact(flat left wrist etc )...a seperate entity..that may or may-not happen EVEN THOUGH lag has been created-retained in the start of the downswing to perhaps.....say...half-way down.

Discussion please.

Dave ( England )
"Lag" is the opposite of "release".

If you push (or "hit"), then intend to keep pushing the grip against the clubhead lag or bending the shaft through and beyond impact. The "physics" will eventually release it. But, you don't.

If you pull (or "swing"), then intend to keep pulling the grip against the club lag, which also bends the shaft, through and beyond impact. The gravity and "physics" tend to release it. But, you don't.

If you snap, then intend to time the pulling and releasing of the lag with the help of gravity and "physics", so that the clubhead reaches the maximum speed beyond impact.

If you hack, then intend to break the ball with the clubhead.

Brian Manzella

There's lag and then there's LAG!

rave154 said:
Is the correct "release" at/through impact (flat left wrist etc )...a seperate entity..that may or may-not happen EVEN THOUGH lag has been created-retained in the start of the downswing to perhaps.....say...half-way down.

Do you mean lag PRESSURE or accumulator LAG?
reply to Brian

Brian....i think...what was in my the time i typed "lag"..was....

the angle between left arm & shaft ( typically 90 degrees )...but also
the "feeling" of retaining that angle...what you would call lag pressure repeat my question more fully/detailed...

does the retention of lag pressure through the first 3rd / half of the downswing "make" the correct "release" happen....or is something "else" needing to be 'applied' / 'done'.... later make / allow it to happen.
p.s to Brian

I fully agree with you.....

theres lag...and then theres LAG(pressure)..

lag is simply an angle between shaft and arm at any given moment,

Lag-Pressure is the...umm..attempt to increase that angle

just because you have "lag" any given moment.....doesnt mean you have Lag-Pressure.
to Brian & whoever else wants to comment

this is slightly out of "left-field" as you guys would term it (Gimme a break im English for christs sake !! lol )...

slightly off subject (but maybe not?)..

been playing around with a few things today...

namely.....the basic novice/ so horrendously afraid of swinging through and seeing/feeling that his hands are at or almost at the impact position while the clubhead is "miles" behind (lagged)...that this is what causes throw-away, casting, impulse to make the clubhead catch up...whatever you want to call it....but ive been seeing another FEAR-Factor..that doesnt seem to get mentioned very much

if...from the simply...."bump" to the left...."tilt your tea-cup"....however you want to term it.....then....simply carry on through turning....if you simply LET your hands and arms go where they are being sent.......they seem to end up in a position...that is not just WAY ahead of where the amateur wants them to be.....but also.....way ABOVE where the amatuer wants them to "above" i mean literally that.......vertically TOO far as the amateur feels/see' much that.......just as a FEAR of not wanting the hands to be ahead of the clubhead causes Castaway/throw-away the same time........a FEAR of...."My HANDS ARE TOO HIGH !! "..cause a verical/directly down the ground pulling action.......

just as Ben Doyle & Yourself ( and others obviously )....have stressed the need for a new Aiming-point for the hands in terms of being "ahead".....perhaps we also need another dimension to the aiming that it needs to be both Ahead AND Above {where the Amateur feels / wants it to be} ?



(Gimme a break im English for christs sake !! lol )...

Hey, NEVER apologise for being English. Be proud of your heritage - most of the the rest of the civilised world envy you for it.

Brian Manzella

Yes, it's the same ole song, with a different beat...

rave154 said:
this is slightly out of "left-field" as you guys would term it (Gimme a break im English for christs sake !! lol )...

slightly off subject (but maybe not?)..

been playing around with a few things today...

namely.....the basic novice/ so horrendously afraid of swinging through and seeing/feeling that his hands are at or almost at the impact position while the clubhead is "miles" behind (lagged)...that this is what causes throw-away, casting, impulse to make the clubhead catch up...whatever you want to call it....but ive been seeing another FEAR-Factor..that doesnt seem to get mentioned very much

if...from the simply...."bump" to the left...."tilt your tea-cup"....however you want to term it.....then....simply carry on through turning....if you simply LET your hands and arms go where they are being sent.......they seem to end up in a position...that is not just WAY ahead of where the amateur wants them to be.....but also.....way ABOVE where the amatuer wants them to "above" i mean literally that.......vertically TOO far as the amateur feels/see' much that.......just as a FEAR of not wanting the hands to be ahead of the clubhead causes Castaway/throw-away the same time........a FEAR of...."My HANDS ARE TOO HIGH !! "..cause a verical/directly down the ground pulling action.......

just as Ben Doyle & Yourself ( and others obviously )....have stressed the need for a new Aiming-point for the hands in terms of being "ahead".....perhaps we also need another dimension to the aiming that it needs to be both Ahead AND Above {where the Amateur feels / wants it to be} ?

The REASON average golfers are scared of trigger delay is because...

How to get the clubface closing properly

The REASON average golfers are scared of trigger delay is because...


This describes me exactly. How can I begin to get the face closing earlier?
Get as much trigger delay as you can with the clubface "looking at the ball".
When you start hooking it off the planet, you will learn the sequenced release with the pitch basic you some real max trigger delay.
That's the basic premise of the twistaway HUH....

Gotta learn how to not hook it.

-neutral grip
-head back at address...and keep it back (Tilt)....l. shoulder up, etc.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
tongzilla said:
Get as much trigger delay as you can with the clubface "looking at the ball".
When you start hooking it off the planet, you will learn the sequenced release with the pitch basic you some real max trigger delay.

Probably the best advice i've ever seen you post Tong. This is EXACTLY what happened to me and my game:

- Came to Brian a Slicer
- used the twist away pattern to keep the clubface "looking at the bal."
- Started hooking it off the planet
- Went to Brian a Hooker
- used the never hook again pattern to stop hooking it.


I've now settled on a pattern i'll probably never change:

- Double shift, elbow plane, with a whoooooooole lot of delay. I'd say it's maximum but i'd need some video to verify but i really think i do it cuz i have no effort in the shot at all and "ball go far" lol.
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