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MIKE, some things I like is that you keep the right shoulder high at he start of the downswing, but your lag do you feel like it get's laid off starting down, like a taller version of Sergio. Some times my distance is inconsistant mind you never with the irons only the driver. I think we would like to know the subtles of this move and to you it comes natural. I believe the feeling is increasing the wrist cock starting down. It is a great swing , glad your not an amateur in my area, TIM


Brian and others: I have been working on a lot of the suggestions that Brian and other TGMers have been giving for some time now. I think that I have a reasonable understanding of plane, flat left wrist, grip, impact fix and how the pivot should work and the results are getting better all the time. I have not seen my swing on video for some time but am sure that I do not float load that much and the angle of the clubshaft and left arm is not that tight at the start of the downswing like it is with Hogan and mikestloc. So at the moment I do not think I am anywhere near maximum trigger delay. Which seems from what I have read from another TGM type website is suited to a swinging not hitting type stroke.

Is this correct?

I have just started to work on Brian's " Fiddle Drill" which seems to deal in this area. I have also read posts from a guy that I respect not to bother about going for this type of float loading effect but feel that this is a missing bit in my swing.

Are there disadvantages of having maximum trigger delay?


66 Posts
Posted - 10/15/2003 : 16:35:15

Are you familiar at all with Paul Bertholy? From what I can tell from his teachings, the fiddle drill would complement it great. Great drill!!! I will work on that alot to get more lag. Thanks."

I remember reading a few posts on the now dead Swing Discussion section of FGI on Paul Bertholy. I know Brian said it was a good system. At the time it seemed to be big on lag.

What drills does Bertholy suggest to get more lag?

Brian: Apart from the fiddle drill . what other things/drills do you teach to get mikestloc type lag ?

All suggestions on this subject from all posters are welcome. Thanks
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