Lagging Clubhead Takeaway

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Hey Brian and other academy-ites:

When I had my lesson in Oct. we worked on more inside takeaway, less arching of LW, hold the hands at the top as long as possible, getting the hips more open and swinging left. I continue to struggle with what I call “sequencing” of these events and that has led me to once again contemplate the lagging clubhead takeaway. In Oct, you briefly asked me to try it, but we did not spend much time on it.

I have toyed with this takeaway in the past, but have never been able to stick with it because I wasn’t sure that I was doing it right. I have been working on this specifically, by pushing the left hand back at the same time I step into my right foot and it feels okay. I am only hesitant to try this because many have posted that it can lead to lagging the hosel, which is one thing you cured me of in Oct by changing my setup and having me swing more left. (which is working like a champ……I am having trouble hitting the sweetspot now that I am so far on the toe with EVERY swing.)

Sorry to be so wordy, but I wanted to jog your memory of our lesson to see if lagging clubhead takeaway would be good for me and enable me to take that next step.

Thanks for your thoughts.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
*USUALLY* I would have students using a lagging clubhead takeaway to fix a TOO INSIDE takeaway because it tends to keep the clubhead outside the hands longer. So it might not be a great option for you.
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