Laid Off

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I currently have been struggling with being laid off at the top. Its very obvious just looking at my swing. does anyone have any tips or drills to help? Thanks guys
I like Brian's tip of pointing butt of club behind you at the top. I try to think of my feet at six o'clock, at the top of swing, butt of club points at 7 o'clock.
Soft draw pattern has done a lot to take away the laid off problems, get the video asap.
Ok, I'm going to give you the best advice I've ever given to anybody:


I used to be laid off BIG TIME until I saw SD. You won't regret it. If you already have it you should watch it again.
the ball has been going slicing. i haven't really had a problem with drawing or hooking the ball unless i start thinking about not trying to slice. but normally im missing it right.

Chris Sturgess

New member
You are very likely rolling your wrists during the backswing and opening the clubface to get to that laid off position you hit slices from. To get the feeling of what to do, do the opposite. As you start your backswing turn your hips, move your hands inside, and keep the clubface facing downward. Then just keep turning to get to the top and you will not only not be laid off but will be across the line.
It's funny that Chris and Tong mentioned keeping the clubface looking at the ball on the takeaway. I started doing this after 2 holes on Tuesday (don't know why), and I bettered my best ever score by a stroke. I also have a problem with being laid off, so maybe this is why it worked so well.
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