LCT creating hooks?

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Ok, I was just on a simulator trying out some new hybrids. Was hooking them all even though they were straight faced clubs. This has been my miss lately after starting the SD pattern. The salesman thought I was hooking because I was starting my backswing with my hands and the club was lagging. When I stopped doing this my hooks went away and starting hitting it straight. I couldn't believe it. It makes sense though (I think), when I do the lagging takeaway my clubface looks to be in a closed position. Is this right? Anyone else have this problem? Or am I just performing the LCT wrong? Many thanks!
Before doing anything drastic, good hit some balls outside. I never make any swing adjustments on a simulator alone, until I see the ball flight
Before doing anything drastic, good hit some balls outside. I never make any swing adjustments on a simulator alone, until I see the ball flight

Nothing drastic, same swing, just different takeaway. I know a simulator isn't 100% accurate. But I do know that my hooks went away after the very first swing and the ones after. I can trust that.
Ok, I was just on a simulator trying out some new hybrids. Was hooking them all even though they were straight faced clubs. This has been my miss lately after starting the SD pattern. The salesman thought I was hooking because I was starting my backswing with my hands and the club was lagging. When I stopped doing this my hooks went away and starting hitting it straight. I couldn't believe it. It makes sense though (I think), when I do the lagging takeaway my clubface looks to be in a closed position. Is this right? Anyone else have this problem? Or am I just performing the LCT wrong? Many thanks!
Definitely you are performing LCT incorrectly if you are hooking with SD, but the solution isn't to move from LCT to PO. The problem is that you are performing the LCT as if it is the same as the IT. LCT and IT are not the same thing; LCT and PO are not extremes of the T spectrum. LCT is just more I than PO, but its not an extremely IT. Make your T less I and you will have a suitable LCT for SD without having to resort to PO. got it?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Because i know a lot of people will ask:

LCT = lagging clubhead takeaway
SD = soft draw (in reference to the pattern)
PO = pop out (in reference to left forearm rotation in the backswing)
T = takeaway
IT = inside takeaway

So what are you trying to say? All I know is that I was hitting hooks (which is common for me) my first 10-15 shots. He tells me "try this" and I do it and the hooks go away, SAME CLUB. Now, I'm not a genius but I'm no idiot either, I doubt he switched a button after his "tip" and magically my hooks turned to straight on the simulator. Once again, I'm not sure what you are trying to say? Please explain further if you would like. Thanks
if it works 4 u


i am sure the salesperson was doing his best to help you.

if he gave you advice and it worked, then use it.......go to the range and try it

i am hoping you will find similar results

good luck

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