The lead arm is bent during the backswing. At the top your upper arm is parallel to the ground. Your forearm is not parallel to the ground; it is about 60 degrees to the forearm, say. The club handle and lead hand are above the upper arm.
On start down the forearm begins to straighten and at some point is parallel to the ground. At this point the upper arm is below parallel.
First question: BM says application of force about the coupling point should start when the the lead arm is parallel. Which part of the lead arm ... upper arm or forearm.
Second question: Which of the three scenarios described by Brian in the out-toss thread would apply here?
On start down the forearm begins to straighten and at some point is parallel to the ground. At this point the upper arm is below parallel.
First question: BM says application of force about the coupling point should start when the the lead arm is parallel. Which part of the lead arm ... upper arm or forearm.
Second question: Which of the three scenarios described by Brian in the out-toss thread would apply here?