learning how to control clubface

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I have a terrible slice problem, and I have read enough to understand that it's due to having an open clubface at impact. Unfortunately, as much as I work on making my club turn over in my practice swings and "slow motion" swinging, when it's time for me to swing at the ball, all of that goes out the window. I am suddenly unable to get my clubface to turn over on time during a regular swing. I don't know whether I am "quitting on the shot" or what, but I need a drill or some effective way to practice controlling the clubface during the swing. Would an impact bag help me?

This is my first post...thanks in advance for any help any of you can give. I am not a new golfer (3 years playing so far) but my progress seems to be so slow compared to how hard I have been working on trying to improve.

Brian Manzella


I have this litle video...

It is called "Never Slice Again 2.0."

Get it.

Watch it.

Learn it.

You won't slice any more.

painful twistaway

Thanks! I am new to the site and just getting acquainted with all the videos and show episodes available for viewing. I just downloaded Never Slice Again 2.0 and watched it. I kept a club nearby and tried to mimic some of the moves being described as I watched. I understand the concept of a flat left wrist at impact, but when I tried to follow along with the "twistaway" move, my left wrist felt very uncomfortable at the top of the backswing, to the point of pain. I could no longer keep my left arm straight. I don't think it's supposed to hurt like that, but I watched the video very closely and tried to do it exactly as shown. Has anyone else had discomfort while performing the twistaway move? Maybe it's just me, or I was doing it wrong. My wrist doesn't seem to want to bend that way.

when trying to conquer my wicked slice....I thought Brian was gonna break my wrist leaning the twistaway.

Just take your time and keep practicing. It comes...and if it doesn't, you may want to invest in a weekend of lessons with da man.

I am still a high handicapper but...I was 29 when I met this site and had a lesson with Brian last fall. Today, I am 22.3 and getting better (I still take too many risks and refuse to play "pussy golf"). I thought I was getting some of Brian's fundementals down but found that I wasn't. It took a lesson and this site to get things working.

Best wishes and keep swingin' and keep asking ?'s

Brian Manzella

To Twist or Not To Twist...

...discomfort while performing the twistaway move? Maybe it's just me, or I was doing it wrong. My wrist doesn't seem to want to bend that way.

You ABSOLUTELY don't have to do the "twistaway."

In fact, I don't even WANT YOU TO, after you can.

If you can get your left wrist flat with some "twist torque" from half-way back to the finish swivel, then THAT'S IT!

Cool? :cool:


It's the mind problem.

I have a terrible slice problem, and I have read enough to understand that it's due to having an open clubface at impact. Unfortunately, as much as I work on making my club turn over in my practice swings and "slow motion" swinging, when it's time for me to swing at the ball, all of that goes out the window. I am suddenly unable to get my clubface to turn over on time during a regular swing. ...............
You simply "hack" during a regular swing (with one purpose), but not in your "practice swings and "slow motion" swinging" (with the other purpose).

Seriously, don't you want to hack it straight, high and far? Do you, when practicing?

Time after time after time..........comes the evidence and ignorance.


I have a terrible slice problem, and I have read enough to understand that it's due to having an open clubface at impact. Unfortunately, as much as I work on making my club turn over in my practice swings and "slow motion" swinging, when it's time for me to swing at the ball, all of that goes out the window. I am suddenly unable to get my clubface to turn over on time during a regular swing. I don't know whether I am "quitting on the shot" or what, but I need a drill or some effective way to practice controlling the clubface during the swing. Would an impact bag help me?

This is my first post...thanks in advance for any help any of you can give. I am not a new golfer (3 years playing so far) but my progress seems to be so slow compared to how hard I have been working on trying to improve.

I don't know your answer, I can only tell you what happened for me. I learned twist-away. It darn near killed me at first, felt so unnatural. I worked on it until it became pretty easy to do. Then at my last lesson, Brian had me start moving away from it, but I am doing sort of a half twistaway that gives me a flat left wrist and then rolling open with a flat left wrist. I think for me it is a progression. If I start slicing again, I'll go back to the twistaway until it's gone again.

Here's my suggestion- go see Brian or Jim for a few lessons, my pattern may not be yours, but I guarantee you they will find yours.
I don't know your answer, I can only tell you what happened for me. I learned twist-away. It darn near killed me at first, felt so unnatural. I worked on it until it became pretty easy to do. Then at my last lesson, Brian had me start moving away from it, but I am doing sort of a half twistaway that gives me a flat left wrist and then rolling open with a flat left wrist. I think for me it is a progression. If I start slicing again, I'll go back to the twistaway until it's gone again.

Here's my suggestion- go see Brian or Jim for a few lessons, my pattern may not be yours, but I guarantee you they will find yours.

Now that I know that some discomfort is to be expected, I won't worry about it and just work through it, knowing it won't hurt forever. NSA 2.0 was helpful and full of all kinds of great information. I will be referring back to it for a long time.
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