Lee Trevino on the Golf Channel

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Tonight I watched the Jim McClean show where he analyzed Lee Trevino's golf swing on the golf channel. I found the show interesting, not for Jim McClean's analysis of Lee Trevino's flat spot, but for a couple of segmants where Lee talked about his swing.

The first point Lee made was how he felt the back of his left wrist was aligned with his clubface so whereever the back of his wrist was facing that is where the clubhead would be facing. When he would hit a shot he tried to keep the back of his wrist moving toward his target as long as possible.

Secondly, on his wedge shots he tried to compress the ball into the ground with a flat or even a bowed left wrist. He mentioned that he didn't ever want to flip the ball.

In Orlando we discussed whether Trevino was a hitter or swinger. The consensus was that he was a swinger. However, on the show Lee mentioned that he blocked all his shots and did not release the clubhead. Would this make him a hitter or would his lower body action make him a swinger with angled hinging?


What makes a person a hitter or swinger is how they accelerate the club.
Stance, hinge action, lower body movement, doesn not make a person a hitter or swinger.
A swinger pulls the club and lets centrifugal force throwout the clubhead.
A hitter uses a rear arm thrust to the side of the shaft to cause throwout.
Yes, I saw the segment and couldn't understand a thing Jim McClean or his assistant was trying to say - it was all gobbledy goop. Neither one had a clue what they were talking about. Lee had a "flat spot" "he would try to keep the driver as low as possible for as long as possible"???


I watched it. Lee's discussion was the best part. I wondered if with the super strong grip if he DID achieve a FLW. Whether he did or not, I think he tuned himself to knowing there was a relationship between the left wrist and clubface.

The assistant did a pretty good immitation of LT. From the top there was a huge shift and then straight to the ball, but I couldn't tell what was powering it. There was a video clip of LT in red pants hitting a driver and the camera was from the front right which showed enough range of motion.

Hard to find much video of him on the web. Here is a page with some stills:

In the profile avant shots (http://asafgolf.free.fr/images/golf/swings/trevino_profilav.jpg) what is powering the swing into impact from frame 6 to 7? Is this a pivot boosted swing?

Brian Manzella

I have a Trevino story I have told a million times, but the short version for this forum is this:

Brian: "Mr. Trevino what is your #1 swing key or thought?"

Lee Buck: "I pull as HARD AS I CAN with the last three fingers of my left hand."



Check out his rear elbow position in the clip MJ posted, appears to be in the 'pitch' position to me which would indicate he is pulling.
Trevino seems to straighten his right elbow to manually execute Throwout after CF has almost completed the uncocking. Technically you could call that a 4-barrel Swing, because #1 is being used, but traditionally, the use of #1 means using it to uncock.

So a 4-barrel Swing theorist could reason that the right tricep becomes impatient and after CF uncocks the left wrist, says "outa the way, I'll take it from here on", and executes the roll of Accum #3. So CF generates the clubhead speed, and #1 delivers it. The problem is the sequence, which would be 4/2/1/3 instead of 4/1/2/3, which Homer says is always the Accum order. The other problem would be explaining Trevino's relative lack of distance in his prime together with the only justification for a 4-barrel Swing being more power.


quote:Originally posted by brianman

Lee Trevino, a swinger....but....

not a "pure swinger"....ahhhh....

....could it be the undoable 4-barrel swing?

Not enough #3 accumulator roll in either direction for me to agree with that one.

However I do like motions that are difficult to tell if hitting or swinging.

To be a swinger with the alignments of a hitter, or a hitter with the Rhythm of a swinger..... Balance is a good thing in so many ways.
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