Lee Trevino slicing his divot

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I love Trevino's swing but on this particular shot he is obviously punching a low one in there.

TGMers would consider this shot sustaining the line of compression to get a heavier hit to really compress the ball and wallop it.Lee was pretty short off the tee by the way.
I couldn't really care less what mangled interpretation one camp or another puts on his swing (or a manufactured punch shot) - he hit it as well as anyone.

Was he genuinely short off the tee - or just short in the same sense that everyone goes on about Faldo being short?
I used to follow him at the Jackie Gleason and Doral, then when he was a senior at the Royal Caribbean and the PGA seniors. I would take pictures in practice rounds (didn't have a video camera back then). He is flat out amazing. not only would he hit all kind of shots in practice rounds but he would then tell the gallery how he did it while walking along. I don't think the game will ever see another player like him.
I think Trevino was average to maybe a little below in terms of distance for his time. One thing that bugs me is how today we call a lot of guys really short (like all the talk about Faldo) but they used COMPLETELY different equipment AND the game was much different then (shorter courses, more emphasis on accuracy etc.).

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
I think all of those supposed "short" hitters of the past would have been able to make an adjustment. Most of those guys hit really down on everything for control as well.

All of them would have been just fine.

But did he really slice it? It looked more like hookspin to me, but somehow the ground made it spin right.

Any physiscists out there?
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Lee Buck was one of the most amazing personalities ever and had one of the most amazing swings ever.
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Top 2 ball strikers of all time. PS, when Chamblee keeps going on about Tiger getting squatty over it, I always think of Lee Buck.
THWACK! Yes, we TGMers (no matter how reformed) LLLLOOOOVVVE that action. It's a swing that says: 'shut the F up, position teacher. You don't have any idea about what you are speaking.' Oh, and he owned it and didn't doubt it.


I remember when i first started playing golf at all I taped the skins game to watch it over and over. There was one particular shot that Trevino hit that made this sound I had never heard before. I think I wore that VHS tape out rewinding and watching/listening to that shot.
Been a fan of Trevino ever since.
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