My back swing has changed from very little left arm rotation to a conscious effort to rotate to finally just thinking about arriving at the top with a backward hinged right wrist. What is the preferred technique and what is the best method for closing the club face at impact?
self-mastery - I believe that a gradual counter clock-wise left arm rotation is necessary on the down-swing.
Hi There
You Got It Ass Backward..... CounterRotate on the BackSwing Then You Can Wail it on the Downswing With No further Manipulation.....
Billy, you basically describing twistaway - right?
Works great!
But i think that one can experience a similar unmanipulated swing feeling if you do as Madhen states.
Rotate the clubface and left arm so that the clubface lies on the plane and then ( holding the club in the left hand only) let it swing freely down. There is a feeling of it naturally rolling square to target and then clubface continues lie against the plane.
This is what Homer kelley described as Standard wrist action, leading to horizontal hinge action) It seems to be valid if you just let it happen. (easier said than done!) and easier ( at least in my tinkering experience) if you feel/allow the forward velcity of the hands to slow down.... but that is that other thread...
Hey Bulldog
I Don't know what TwistAway is? I was describing Shaugar's BackSwing CounterRotation.... If they're the Same then They're the Same....In my Opinion one must CounterRotate 45 Degrees and Set a 90 Degree Angle somewhere in the BackSwing..... The Order and When it Occurs is up to the Golfer...
The Rest of the Homer Kelly Stuff is Below Me.... I Graduated from a Private University and not a State School ......