Left Elbow

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I have been told to keep the left elbow pointing to the ground throughout the whole golf swing. Does anyone have any opinions on this and do you recommend it and why. Thanks[8D]



The information is ambiguous at the very best and rubbish at the worst.

Have you tried doing it and, if so, what was the result.
quote:Originally posted by Burner


The information is ambiguous at the very best and rubbish at the worst.

Have you tried doing it and, if so, what was the result.
;)I am trying to not let the left elbow pop out. But I still pull the club down from the top and my arms slide through the hitting area rather than rotate. This slide gives me a weak wipe. If the left elbow points to the ground and I rotate through impact I can hit good shots. But I find it a hard move to execute. I appreciate your feedback. Jim
Originally posted by brianman

A proper swivel (rotation of the left arm) will FORCE the elbow not to fly ou Thank you for that tip. Are there any pictures I can look at to get a visual perspective. If not I think I understand what you are saying. I will try it at the driving range. Jim
quote:Originally posted by JimBlackwell

I have been told to keep the left elbow pointing to the ground throughout the whole golf swing. Does anyone have any opinions on this and do you recommend it and why. Thanks[8D]
It would be dependent on the type shot that you were trying to execute.
High fades and cut lobs would definitely not apply.
I was replying to Mr. Blackwell concerning the left elbow pointing at the ground THROUGHOUT the swing.
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