Left hand and butt end of the club - a very high grip

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My normal left hand grip has me gripping the club very high...by that I mean my left hand little finger is at the very top of the club. By default the butt end of the club remains nested within the palm of my hand - the butt end does not protrude out of my palm.

The advice I received today was to move my grip ALOT further down the club, The nett result is that approx 1 inch of the grip between my little finger and the butt of the club is now visible and the butt of the club is now level with the edge of of my palm.

Is this sound advice? In effect it feels like i have shortened the length of the club. It is early days but it feels good. It feel like I have more control...but I am concerned it will result in a (slightly) slower swing speed?
One very old test is that when you are gripping the club to conform to the grip's designed taper, the butt end of the club will lined up with the
edge of your hand nearest the little finger, (heel of the hand). So, while gripping down 1 inch may work fine, it seems to me that you may need to visit a fitter of pro to confirm that your grip is correctly sized for you, and that you are gripping the club correctly. Sounds like you may be gripping the club too much in your palm as it's tough to grip it that far out toward the end with a more finger style grip. The little finger just isn't going to wrap around the flare at the butt end.
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